In The House Of Siverd

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I could not, could NOT keep myself from doing this. It was flooding my thoughts at every step, like a small animal that came to me and crept. Jeezus, no. Sorry about that <--! I tried to rhyme and make this interesting. Whatever! This is another fanfiction about the very awesome and very spooky game Mad Father. There are the same characters (And you will be surprised which ones I'm talking about). I don't know why I keep making fanfictions when I honestly didn't like them about two months ago. I think it's because I don't need to come up with characters and all this annoying personality creation/backstory/love life all at once. Oh well. This is getting really off track, but just know this is gonna be good. Oh yeaaaaaaah, this is gonna be awesome... (lolwut >3<)  Next chapter is coming out within...actually a few minutes. The first chapter is told from a specific person's P.O.V. and then the second one will be from several different P.O.V.s. So you'll just need to wait till then! G'bye!

In The House Of Siverd (Mad Father Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now