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"Ayaaaa! Wake up! It's nearly midnight." Aya blinked slowly and cringed at the light above her head. It was a candle. Maria's face shown above it. "It's time." Aya sat up quickly and nodded. "I'll be down in a minute," she said. Maria nodded and disappeared. Aya stood up and moved in the dark to light another candle for her to see. She blinked at the brightness as she walked into her closet. She picked a white and blue dress and pulled it on. Turning to look at herself in the mirror, Aya brushed her short hair down to make sure it was neat and straight before smiling at herself and bouncing downstairs. 

Maria was waiting in the kitchen for Aya when she came down. "Are you nervous?" she asked, smiling. Although it had been five years since Aya and Maria had run from their old home, Maria still looked the same, young and nice. "The coach is ready. It will only take an hour if we hurry." Aya nodded and put her black coat on as Maria headed out with her. She locked the door and put the key in her dress pocket. It was crisp for a summer night, but Aya felt herself bubbling with excitement. She could hear the horses neighing softly and Maria led her to the coach. She got in and Maria sat at the horses. "It's been five years, Mistress Aya." Aya smiled. "I've told you that you can just call me Aya." Maria chuckled softly. "It's just a habit by now." The coach jolted and Aya felt it begin to move as they traveled back to what was once known as her home.

When Maria stopped the coach Aya waited inside, thinking it was just another pause. "We're here, Aya." She lifted her head and got out, stumbling in the dark until Maria lit a lantern. They walked over the grass where the dirt path was no longer visible. Aya could see the faint outline of fences close by, as if to show that there was a building nearby. But when Aya and Maria reached where a house would have been, there was only ashes. Aya sighed in sadness looking at the few ashes remaining of the house, reminded of memories from long ago. "The anniversary of your mother and your father's death, Aya. Do you have any words?" Maria's soft voice was gentle and careful, like she was afraid she would upset Aya. She took a deep breath and began. 

"Mother and Father, I hold you in my heart.

We're all still together but we're all far apart.

I wish for the times when it was all good

Although some of the times were just misunderstood.

I long for the days when we all were a family

I love you both...infinitely."

Maria listened silently, her eyes closed. When Aya finished she smiled. "So sad...but so beautiful, Mistress Aya. Your father would be proud." Aya nodded, quiet now. They stood there for minutes or hours. Aya wasn't sure. She found out it was probably longer than just a moment when she realized it was getting lighter outside. She turned to walk back and something clinked softly at her feet. She looked down and bent to pick up whatever was gleaming in the ashes. It was a bottle of water...

"What's this, Mister?" Aya asked. "Magic Water, a product of my company." She paused. "...Magic water? Sounds made-up." The man smiled. "Please take this with you. The power kept within the water shall no doubt be of help to you." She stared at the small vial. "Can I save Father with this, too?" she asked. "Of course. The water has the power to seal the power of a curse." Aya nodded. "So I can stop the curse... Mom... She must be in pain... So I have to save Mom, too...!"

The sudden flashback made Aya stumble and fall back to her knees. "Mistress Aya?" Maria asked, worried. "I'm...I'm fine, Maria. Just tripped." As she got up, she looked back at the bottle and picked it up. Maybe she should keep it... But then she remembered her father. She pulled the cork off and dropped it, and began walking with Maria. But at the last minute, she turned and hurled it at the house. "What was that, Aya?" Maria asked curiously. "An old memory..." Aya whispered, wiping her eyes to realize she was about to cry.

In The House Of Siverd (Mad Father Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now