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???'s P.O.V.

He woke up with something covering his face. Sitting up, the boy wiped at his eyes and blinked in the morning light. There was something black smeared on his sleeve. Ash? When was he ever in a fire... Then he remembered.

"Aya. There's one thing that I ask of you. Do not ever forget the people who were sacrificed here. None of us had any relatives. No one looked for us. No one remembered us. No one knew we existed at all. Our existance will be forgotten to the world. But we did indeed live. So I don't want you to forget that. I want you to hold proof in your heart that we were here... That is the least you can do for us." Silence. Then, "Yes. I'll never forget." He smiled at her. "Thank you. Well, I this is goodbye..." He bent down to kiss her forehead. "Goodbye, Aya. May you be smiled upon... Now, go."

He stood up and almost fell down again, his legs feeling weak. Where was he? Ashes, all around him. Who was he? He tried to remember. "Dio... I'm Dio." He looked around again. Was this...the mansion? "Am I alive...?" he asked to nobody in particular. He stood up, feeling more certain now. "Hello?!" he called out. What was going on? Dio turned to hear someone coughing. "Where...where am I?"

???'s P.O.V.

She woke up slowly with an ache everywhere. "Hello?!" someone called out. Sitting up, she blinked. She was almost neck-deep in ashes. "Where...where am I?" she asked, trying to think. She felt dizzy, like she'd gotten up too fast. Maybe she did, just sitting up. Looking around, she saw someone standing up, almost swaying. He probably felt sick, too. Looking down at her arms, her green eyes widened at the number of cuts on them. Like something small had cut her...scalpel...dolls... the mansion! She looked at the ash around her.

"Ahh! What're you doing?!" she exclaimed. The dolls stared at her with cold eyes. "Why do you wanna save her so bad? Save her, and we won't be able to go back to normal! Why not drag everyone here? That's way more fun!" As they moved towards her, she moved back, something sharp cutting into her leg. "Yah!! Stooop!!" They cut into her...something sharp, something dangerous... The door opened and a little girl walked in... The same one from earlier. She looked at her and picked something up-A scalpel. She didn't say anything at first as the little girl bent down to her, trying to catch her breath. "...I just wanted to be part of" she whispered as she felt her consciousness fading away. 

Blinking, she stared at the boy and he looked back at her. "Who are you? Better yet, who am I?" she asked. "I'm Dio." He didn't move as he looked at her. Her name came to her slowly. "C-c...Coron. I'm Coron." She stood up and fell to her knees, giggling at how weak she felt. " were a subject." She looked up at the boy and blinked as she realized that he only had one eye, the other being just an ugly hole. The right side of his face was burned and scarred, heartbreakingly broken. "Yes. What happened to us?" Dio shrugged, looking around. "I...don't...know..." he said softly. "I don't know."

(Their names are what I picked up on on the Wiki for Mad Father, so sorry if they're wrong! These are only two of the characters. The rest I will make names for, because there isn't one for them.)

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