Is it love

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I do not own any of these characters but I will add my own character. And I'm making this story my way so it's not going to follow the tv show.
Alison's POV
So we get her to the spot and set her up. I already had everything else set up and all we needed was bait. Erica was the perfect bait. "You can go now I have everything under control." I tell him. "And leave you with a werewolf and then hopefully have one to come that will be angry, no way." Stiles states. "Trust me I can handle it." I tell him. "Fine but don't get hurt, your dad will kill me." He says. "Okay." I say. So he finally leaves and I'm here with Erica. Once I know Stiles is nowhere in sight, I wake Erica up. "Where the hell am I?" She says. "In the woods but if you do everything I tell you I will let you go." I state. "Okay." She says. "If I let you go now you go home you can't say a word to anyone about this okay." I tell her. "Okay." She says. I let her go and she runs off. A couple minutes later my target comes. "Hey Derek" I jump down saying. "What do you want you injured one of my pack members." He spats. "Look I'm sorry it's not my fault it's my dad's. Once I noticed it was you something in me melted at the look you gave me when you seen me." I tell him. The next thing I know my back is against a tree and his lips are on mine. I hesitate at first but then kiss back. We just stand there and kiss for a couple of minutes. His hands then go down to my waist and I just jump up and wrap my legs around his waist. As soon as I do. That he pulls back and puts me down and runs away. I start to walk around the woods to get to the street. I think over what happened and start to freak out.
Why the hell did I just kiss him back. I'm not suppose to have feelings for him. I'm suppose to get rid of him.
Is what is going on in my head
Derek's POV
"Why the hell did you quite." My wolf says to me. "That was our mate." He says again. I know it was I just didn't know what happened. At first I wanted to kill her but then I seen the look in her eyes, she was sorry I didn't know what to do. I think to myself. "She probably hates me now." I tell my wolf. So after I say that I cut the connection with my wolf and go home. When I get home Peter is on the couch. "So you found your mate." Peter says standing up. "Yes but I can never have her." I tell him. "Well why not?" Peter asks. "Because her family wants me dead." I tell him getting angry. "I'm guessing it's an Argent." He says. "Yes now would you drop the damn subject." I yell at him. I storm of to my room and think about my mate. I end up falling asleep with her in my mind.
The next day
I wake up to the sound of my front door slamming shut. I jump out of bed and run down stairs. "What the hell did you do." Scott yells at me. "What are you talking about." I say rubbing the sleep from my eyes. "Kiss Allison you dumbass." Scott says. "Why do you fucking care Scott." I tell him getting mad. "Because I seen him when I came out looking for you." He tells me. "Who are you talking about?" I ask him. "Chris I seen him he was watching you guys from a nearby tree." Scott tells me. "Shit." Is all I can say. "I think he is just going to tell Allison to stay away from you or he might convince her to actually kill you." He tells me. I walk out of the room and get a drink. "We need to save our mate" my wolf says. "I know this." I tell him. "Well then go save her." My wolf says. I soon walk up to my room and take a nice long hot shower. I get done and wrap a towel around my waist. I got to my closet and get my clothes out and put them on. I walk down stairs to go take a walk since I'm alone for now. I end up walking to the school knowing its Alison's free period. When I get there I see her standing outside in the phone. I get closer to hear who she is talking to and figure out it is Chris. "Look I know will, I promise." She said sounding sad. She then hung up the phone and started to walk near the doors of the school. "Hey wait." I come out saying. "How long have you been there?" She asks me. "I just got here, I wanted to talk about last night." I tell her. "What is there to talk about." She says. "What happened between us last night. What I did I'm sorry I didn't mean to do it." I tell her. But she just looks at me like I'm dumb. "I don't know what you are talking about." She says. My heart breaks a little bit when she says that. "Look I have to go." She says. "Can we please talk about this. I really would like you to listen to what I have to say." I tell her. She just looks at me for a minute. "Fine but I'm not responsible for your injuries." She says. I walk up to her and take her hand. I feel sparks at the touch but I have to hold my wolf down. "Let's go away from the school." I tell her. She reluctantly follows and we head to the woods. "Look I know you remember what happened yesterday..." I began to say but she cut me off. She was kissing me which I was surprised by. It took me a minute or two to finally kiss back. My wolf was howling for joy. When I finally realized it I pulled away. "Why did you stop?" She asks me. "Allison your dad wants me dead." I tell her. "I know but I don't care." She says. "But I do and I don't want you to get hurt." I tell her. "Look I can fight for myself and I know you came up when I was in the phone, did you happen to hear what he told me?" She asks. "No I didn't I just heard your last words and then you hung up." I tell her. "Well he told me to stay far away from you as possible because he says you will hurt me." She tells me. "And look where you are Allison, you are here with me." I tell her getting frustrated. "Just shut up and kiss her already." My wolf says. "No we are talking this shit out." I tell him. "Do you think I care Derek. I really don't care about what my dad says. I came here to take down your pack but when I see you the other day and you brought me out here things changed in my head. When I see you helping Erica jealous went through me. I think I'm trying to say I really like you and that I want to be with you." She tells me. I take a minute to let everything settle in. "So you are willing to risk your dad finding out about us?" I ask her. Instead of answering me she just kisses me. So we hang out for her free period until I hear the bell ring. She goes back to school and I go back home.
Allison's POV
So after the bell rings and I go to class my dad comes to pick me up. "Are we waiting for Stiles to come?" I ask him. "No it's just going to be us and a couple of other hunters." My dad says. "Why are hunters coming with us, what are we doing dad?" I ask him. "We are going to get him." He says. I know who he is talking about and part of me doesn't want to help him. We are on our way to the forest, when we get the entrance my dad stops the car. We get out and I see a figure standing at a distance. I really hope it's not Derek. "What are you doing here?" The figure asks. "What do you want with Derek?" the figure asks. A little hope shoots through me when I find out it isn't Derek. But the figure has a voice I know. "Look here buddy, I can come to look for him without your permission." Chris says. "I don't care, he is my friend and I'm going to be by his side." the figure says. The figure then comes out into the open and comes running towards me. He grabs me and runs away. "Isaac get back here with my daughter." Chris yells. "Hell no I'm saving her so she doesn't get hurt." Isaac says. So with that he continues to run away with me in his arms. I end up falling asleep in his arms.
Isaac's POV
So I bring her to my bed after I get home and lay her down to sleep. Scott isn't home right now so it is perfect. I go down to get food and notice Scott coming up the driveway. He comes in and sits down. "Why do I hear three heartbeats?" Scott asks. "I have a friend over, that's all." I tell him. "well is this friend asleep because the third heartbeat is slow and peaceful." Scott says. He then gets up to go check it out and I get up to follow him. He opens my door and sees Allison sleeping. "What is she doing here?" Scott asks. "I saved her from getting hurt by hunters and Derek." I tell him. "She just needs to stay away from Derek at the moment let her be with the hunters all she wants." Scott says. "What do you mean 'stay away from Derek'?" I ask him. "Her and Derek kissed and me and Chris both saw it." He tells me. "Oh." Is all I can say. My wolf growls at the fact of that. We hear her start to breath faster and I walk over to her and tell her to calm down. She listens and sits up. "Why did you bring me here?" Allison asks. "I wanted to make sure you were safe." I tell her Scott just walks out of the room. "Why did you want to make sure I was safe?" She questions. "Because you could get hurt out in the woods." I tell her. "I had other people with me." She says. "They wouldn't have been good protection." I say. After I say that I sit down on the bed next to her. She then lays down so her head is on my lap. I hear her yawn and chuckle. "Go to sleep." I tell her and she just drifts off into sleep.

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