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Derek's POV

So while I'm working out I get a gut feeling that something is wrong but I can't place my finger on it. "She is missing." My wolf says. "WHAT who is missing." I ask in return. "Our MATE IS MISSING." he says. I just sit there. I call Scott to see if he knows where she is. "Hey do you know where Allison?" I ask. "No I don't why do you need her, I told you to stay away from her." Scott says. "WHERE THE FUCK IS SHE SCOTT, I KNOW YOU KNOW." I yell at him. I hear Scott gulp on the end. "Fine she was with Isaac last I saw her." Scott says. I hang up on Scott and go find Isaac and take my mate. I track the smell to the wood last and find the hunters. Chris looks at me and glares walking over to me. "Where is my daughter Derek, I know you know where she is." Chris says. "I don't know I just came out for a run." I tell him. "But you know where Isaac is." Chris says. "No I don't know where he is last I heard he was with Scott." I tell him. "Well why don't we find him to find to get my sister back." Stiles says. "Why do you need my help?" I ask him. "Because you can track them down by smell we can't." Stiles says. "Look I'm not going help you out." I tell him. "Not even for your life." Stiles says. As soon as he says that I feel a gun on the back of my head. "Isaac what a surprise." Chris says. "Why are you doing this Derek?" Isaac asks. "What am I doing?" I ask him. "Working with them." he tells me. "I'm not working with them but why do you have a gun at my head?" I ask him. "Because I know what you are hiding." Isaac mind links me. "What are you talking about?" I ask him. "The thing you have with Allison I'm not stupid. I also smell her scent on you." he tells me. "Well i smell her scent on you so where is she?" I ask him. "At Scott's house in my room." he tells me. With that he cuts me off. So I'm now just standing there waiting for something to happen. Finally Chris speaks up and breaks the silence. "Why don't we just call it a night if I don't hear from her by morning I will personally kill all of you stupid werewolves."Chris says. "Okay" me and Isaac both say. I then walk of to then end of the woods and make a beeline for Scott's. I get there and bang on the door.

Allison's POV

So i wake up and go out of the room. I look around and find Scott. "Where am I?" I ask him. "Your at my house don't worry you're not hurt. I then hear a banging on the front door. I run downstairs before Scott. I open the door only to find an angry Derek. "Why are you here?" I ask him. "To come get you, your going home so I don't die." Derek explains. Then drags me out of the house and runs into Isaac. "Where are you taking her?" Isaac asks. "Her home so we don't die." Derek says to Isaac. "No, I'm not letting her get hurt." Isaac explains to me.

Derek's POV

"She won't get hurt by her own family. But we will Isaac." I tell him. I then pick her up bridal style and run to her house. I get to her house and knock on the door after I put her down. "What do you want Derek." Chris asks through the door. "How do you know its me?" I ask him. "Just answer the question." Chris says. "I have your daughter out her, do you want her." I tell him. He then opens the door and pulls Allison into a hug. "Where have you been?" He then asks her. "Out." Is all she said then walked out of the house and down the street. With her doing that I got slapped in the face. "If you don't bring her back here right now I will kill you on the spot right now." Chris says. I walk down the street to catch up to her and she turns around and hugs me. "Your dad is going to kill me if I don't take you back." I whisper in her ear. "I know my dad if I go back he will try to get me to kill you, and i can't do that." She says. "Why not?" I question her. "Because I might actually lo-like you Derek." She says just above a whisper.

Allison's POV

Oh my gosh I just told Derek I like him, what will he do now. He just takes my hand and takes me back to my dad. "What are you doing?" I ask him. "Just follow along." He says. When we get up to my porch my dad just looks at me. Derek lets go of my hand and before I can see what is happening Derek's lips are on mine. When he pulls away my dad is pissed. "Don't kiss my daughter." my dad says to Derek. Derek grabs my hand and pulls me into him. "I'm so sorry Chris but I can't leave your daughter here. I don't want to see "my girlfriend" hurt. " Derek says. With that we walk off together.

So it has been a week since I've seen or spoken to my dad. I haven't spoken to Stiles either because he is mad at me. I have been living with Derek since he kind of took me out of my house. "Hey what are we going to do when my dad decides he wants me back?" I ask Derek. "Um you won't go back, he will really punish you and might kill me. Your dad knows how to get information out of people and I really don't want him to do that to you." Derek tells me. "Okay when can I go to school again?" I ask him. He sighs in frustration. "When I feel like it is safe for you to be seeing Stiles." His words came out like poison. "WHAT, why do you care if I'm safe, I feel like I'm trapped here because in reality I am trapped here. I'm waiting to go out and hang out with people but then again nobody likes me and if they found out I have been with you they really won't like me." I yell at him. "Look I'm just looking out for you Allison, I care about you and I don't want you to get hurt." He says calmly to me. I start to realize I might not win this fight but I don't care right now. "Look Derek I care about you to but I let you have your privacy don't I?" I ask him. "Yes but for you it is different I have to protect you from your dad, Stiles, other hunters, and most of all Isaac." He tells me. "Why do you need to protect me, I can defend myself, and why from Isaac?" I ask him. "Look I don't want to try to explain this right now, can you please understand that and just listen to me?" He asks. I might actually win this fight. "Fine but you have to promise me one thing." I tell him. "What is it?" He asks me. "You have to promise me that I can go to school next week." I tell him. I hear him sigh but he nods his head. I walk over to him and hug him. He takes a minute to hug back but then he pulls my head back and kisses me. The kiss is sweet but holds a lot of passion in it. He lifts me up and I wrap my legs around his waist so I don't fall. I pull back before his wolf takes over. I look him in the eyes and I find love and lust in them.

So the day went by and I still haven't left the house. I even asked him if we could take a walk but he just kept saying no. "But why can't we just take a walk around the house, if I'm with you I won't get hurt." I tell him. "Because your aunt is still out there and she could hurt you or try to kill me because she wants me dead." He tells me.

Chris's POV

"We can't do anything sir." Mr. Stilinski says. "She is my daughter is missing what do you mean you can't do anything!" I scream at him. "Look if you came to us when she first went missing we could have did something, we can't do anything now." He tells me. "Derek Hale took her can you do anything with that." I tell him. "What do you mean Derek took her he left awhile ago." He tells me. "I mean he was at my house and took my daughter." I tell him. "We might be able to do something just give us time, and Chris promise me you won't do anything just leave it to us." He tells me. "Okay just find my daughter." I tell them.


Sorry for not updating in a while I have been busy with school. I will try to update more often.

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