Chapter 1: A Normal Day

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At Beacon, the prestigious school in Vale, the day is bustling as usual. The students go to their classes, training, having lunch, hanging out with friends, and going out on missions, it's just the usual, everyday life of a Beacon student. Ruby, leader of the RWBY team, is taking a stroll with her team down the garden. The flowers blooming and its elegance swaying from the gentle breeze. They are discussing this morning's news.

"What you guys think about the news?" said Ruby curiously. "It's been happening a lot lately since two weeks ago."

"Actually, yeah. Ever since then, there's been quite a number of terrorist attacks by that group. Ehh. What were they called again? I forgot." replied Yang as she rub her head.

"They were nameless. Nobody know the real identity as the Atlesian military and Beacon don't have enough evidence. But in light, Umbrella sure was a helping hand with these cleanups." said Blake as she wrap her ribbon around her arm.

"I don't know about those people. I don't trust those Umbrella workers. Every time they get involved, everything's in the hush hush. They won't even let the military in despite a partnership." Weiss replies she cross her arms.

"Oh, don't get so work up, Weiss." said Ruby. "They might have their reasons why."

As they reach the end of the garden, some students are seen running towards where the entrance is. Team JNPR is seen going the same direction. Ruby call out to Jaune, the leader of Team JNPR.

Jaune look over to where Ruby is, stop and walk over to them. "Oh Ruby. What sup?"

"Where you all heading to? And what's going on?"

Pyrrha walk up to them and Jaune. She said while crossing her arms. "Apparently a team, or what's left of them, came back from a mission to one of the deserted villages at Emerald Forest. They've been off for a week until they were found in the outskirts of Emerald Forest, terrified and bloodied."

"Well, what are we waiting for, guys? Let's go!" shout out Nora as she ran off. Ren sigh. "Nora, wait. You need to wait for everybody." It was too late. Nora is way too ahead for her to hear him. Jaune chuckle at the sight. "Well, we better get going if we don't want to miss it. Come along if you guys want."

Ruby look back to her team. "Well, what you guys think? Should we?"

"I say yes." said Yang.

"Well, I guess it won't hurt." said Weiss. Blake nod yes, keeping silent.

"Well come on. Let's go." said Jaune as they all ran off to where the others are. A small crowd is seen at the entrance. Ruby, Jaune and their teams make their way until they reach the entrance. At the road, not too far, a few teachers are seen with a young man and girl. The young man look about 18. He has black hair that is matted and covered in caked blood and dirt. His clothes are also caked in blood and dirt, but they're also teared up. A few makeshift bandages covered his still healing wounds on parts of his body. His eyes is that of a scared animal, constantly looking around and terrified out of his wits. His female companion has long, blondish red hair. She look about 17. Her clothes are also caked in blood and dirt, but she is wearing a black coat that is teared up, over her shoulders. It is a size too big on her. Her hands clutching the coat closed, are shaking with fear. Tear marks are visible on her face but her body is also shaking from fright. The teacher with her is trying to reassure her that she is in good hands, but she won't stop shaking. The male was screaming and struggling as the other teachers try to hold him down in order to prevent him from hurting himself.

"Calm down, Michael. Calm down. What happened? Where's your other teammates? Where's Mr. Dale?" said one of the teachers. Then, Michael's companion starts to cry again.

"Please, don't make us go back there! Please, we're begging you! Everybody's dead! They're all dead! Mr. Dale! Meeka! Danny! They're all dead!" screamed Michael. After he said that, he started coughing violently. One of the teachers held his arm and called to one of the students to get the nurse. He nod and ran off to get the nurse while he told another too call for an ambulance. Michael continue to cough until blood starts to show. Then, some students watching became sick from the sight of blood. One teacher goes up to them.

"Ok everybody! It's time to break up and go back to class. Come on. Let's go." yell the teacher. Slowly, the students withdraw and return to attend their classes. Ruby, Jaune and their teams are left. Soon enough, Michael start wheezing until he slump, not breathing or coughing anymore. The girl yell out and start crying over Michael, her last surviving teammate. The teachers sigh and use the coat to cover him up.

Ruby said sadly, "Aww. Poor guy. I hope he find peace. They both look like they went through hell."

"Yeah. I don't know what the girl is going to do now since she has no team now." said Jaune.

"I think they're going to let her rest and recover from what she been through. Later on, they may question her about what happen." said Pyrrha sympathetically as she watch the scene. Soon enough, they turn to leave to attend their classes but were stop by a scream. They turn to see that the girl is whimpering in fear, unable to move. The two teams look in horror at Michael, who was suppose to be dead. He is seen, standing, and swaying, not saying anything. Blood splatter on his clothes and on the ground. He slowly make his way towards the girl. One of the teachers took out his weapon, a pistol as he aim at the now revived Michael. "Stay where you are. I don't want to shoot you." said the teacher while the others take the girl to safety at the entrance. One of them look over to Ruby and the others. "Please, watch over her. We need to help Mr. Lansdale."

"Uh, um, sure. Sure we can." said Ruby with a hint of confusion. They nod to her and left to help Mr. Lansdale. Yang walls up and crouch down. "It's ok. You're safe. We won't let him hurt you." said Yang as she try to reassure the girl. She look at her and nod.

The two other teachers get out their weapons and aim at Michael, who is still trudging up to them, growling and groaning. Mr. Lansdale sigh. "You left us no choice." They proceed to shoot at Michael. Bullets riddle his body as he goes down, groaning. Soon enough, an ambulance arrive with some police cars. One of the officers walk up to them. "We came as fast as we can. What happened?" the officer said as he look at Michael's bullet riddled body. "He was dead, but somehow, he got back up and attacked us." said Mr. Lansdale. "That's crazy. A dead person can't........ Look out!" yelled the officer as he take out his gun and aim at Michael, who is back on his feet once again, moaning as he trudge towards them. The officer starts shooting. Bullet after bullet hit Michael as he keep on, until a bullet hit his head. He groan and fall back down, this time, for good. The officer sigh a relief. He look at the teachers.

"Ok. I believe you. This is not normal." "It isn't. We may need to study his body and determine why he was revived." said Mr. Lansdale. The paramedics cover up Michael's body with a shroud while some go up to the girl. "Thank you for watching her. We'll take over from here." said one of the paramedics. "Glad to help." said Yang. They nod and turn to leave the scene, heading back to class. What they saw, will be the first of many horrible experiences that will forever haunt them.

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