Chapter Two

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This was really going to suck. 

Now, I’m not the type to over exaggerate so trust me when I say that this was really going to suck. First of all, I was sitting in the car with a bunch of idiots who all agreed that sending me to boarding school was the best idea ever. Second, we’re going to Washington which I’m pretty sure is under populated. And third, I was in a pissy mood right now. 

So, to put it simply. This was the worst idea in the history of ideas because I wasn’t happy at all. 

I slumped down in my seat and folded my arms across my chest. I stared blankly out of the window as the new Sleeping with Sirens song came blasting through my ears. I could practically feel Jordan’s eyes on me but I really could have cared less if my music was too loud. 

“Joanna,” Jordan implored, “You mind if you turn that down a little?” 

I shot him a cold hard glare. “Unless you can find a way to get me out of going to this godforsaken school then sure,” I tried to muster the most fake smile ever known to man. “But last time I checked, you can’t--so deal with it.” 

“Jessica,” I heard my father call out. He was referring to my mom. My mom’s name was Jessica and my dad’s name was Jeff. For some reason, they fell in love with the whole “J” thing and named my brother, Jordan and me, Joanna. My family was weird like that. 

“Yes, Jeff?” 

“Do you really think this is a good idea?” he asked softly.

I shot out of my seat and leaned in towards them with an anxious smile on my face. “Oh my gosh! Finally one of you realize that you’re practically sending me to hell!” 

“Sit back in your seat, Joanna.” My dad said sternly. He returned his attention to my mom. “You think we should maybe talk this out a little more? It’s a little bit rushed.” 

My mom scoffed, “Jeff, please! Joanna has been nothing but a reckless brat this whole year. I think we at least deserve a break from her.” 

I sat back in my seat and watched them with my mouth agape. She did not just say that! “Well thanks Mom, for not doing your job. Last time I checked, parents are supposed to take care of their children until the very end. There is no such things as a break!” 

“Cool it, Joanna!” My mom yelled, whipping around to face me. “We’ve made our decision. You are going and that’s the end of the story. 

I grinded my teeth together and sat back in my seat, muttering to myself. “Bunch of egotistical assholes.” 


Hours later, we pulled onto a road with trees on each side. Now don’t get me wrong. This wasn’t your average “road with trees on each side”. This road was rocky which obviously meant it needed to be paved. And the trees were towering over us as if they were going to fall on top of us any second now. Just the sight of this made me clench onto my seat tighter. 

“Mom, you do realize that this school is literally in the middle of nowhere, right? I haven’t seen a road sign for miles.” I pointed out. 

“Oh Joanna, would you please just shut up?” she snapped at me, “I’ve been listening to nothing but you complain the whole trip here.” 

“My complaining is for a reason,” 

Mom didn’t respond to my statement. Instead, she bit down on her fingernail as the sight of my new school came into view. It was large, no doubt. Surprisingly, actually. I hadn’t expected a building like this. The building was very tall at the most and it looked as if it had many rooms to it based on the square foot of the land. But, this still wouldn’t change my views on going to boarding school. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2013 ⏰

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