No One Can Know.

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Dedicated to jeromevxleska for the incredible mood board x


The sky was the same sober shade of indigo that it was every night- pitch darkness seemingly never setting in anywhere in camp unless Isaac was lurking in the dark.

Hearing the hurried footsteps followed thump of a large object falling to the freezing marble floor of the amphitheatre behind him, Stiles simply smiled- maintaining his seated position on the steps before he uttered his next words. "You're late." Standing up leisurely before turning around in greeting, he only grinned as he saw the feisty strawberry blonde lug the large rucksack she was carrying to a better position than the one she'd dumped it at seconds prior.

"I take it you lost your little challenge?"

"I take it you have a death wish?" she asked poker faced before letting a slight smile creep it's way onto her face. "Yeah well, welcome to my new home."

"I quite like it- the floor's almost as cold as your heart Wise Girl."


"Where's Malia? She won't be here anytime soon will she?" His features suddenly distracted as his brow wrinkled, frown lines being carved in.

"No but she would be if she knew you were."


"Nothing," Lydia muttered, silently laughing. "She's with the Stolls and Allison at the Big House. Enjoying her last hours of comfort.

"Good. No one can know."

At this Lydia snorted disbelievingly. "Stilinkski, I'm teaching you to fight- we're not in a secret sexual relationship."

"No one. Can. Know," he gritted his teeth as he looked down, shuffling his feet slightly- cocky facade slowly dissipating.

Two months ago Lydia and Stiles had been on a quest together. It wasn't their first together but it was certainly the worst week of her life. However the fact that she gained blackmail material to be used against him more than made up for it. That week, she discovered that while his skill with a sword was beyond incredible, the moment it taken away from him he wasn't good at much else. Unless he was planning on pranking whatever he was fighting until it ran away in frustration. So when they got back she began to teach him hand-to-hand combat and how to fight with other weapons in exchange for immunity from his constant prank wars. She was a daughter of Athena. Who said she didn't know how to strike a good deal?

"Whatever," she muttered, pulling out a leather sheathed dagger singlehandedly from the rucksack while drawing her own from the worn scabbard that hung low beside her left hip. "Catch Stilinski."

A series of hilariously panicked expressions flashed on his face as one hand darted up to cover his face while the other attempted to swat the flying dagger away. As the weapon clattered to the other end of the amphitheatre, Lydia burst out laughing as his stricken face.

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