Chapter Three: Jealous Wittle Won Won

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*Fred's POV*

Hermione and I finished our plates plus second helpings. We thanked my mum then headed for the stairs. I stop her at the bottom grabbing her arm gently. When I did it felt like fire spread through my body.

I start to whisper, "Wait. Mione." I have no idea what had come over me lately. I had never called her Mione before. She turns towards me slowly.

"I fear if I go into that room alone, I won't want to come out again. Will you sleep in there with me?"

She nods, "Of course Freddie. I would be happy too."

She takes my hand gently guiding me upstairs. We hesitate at the door, then she slowly opens it. When we are inside I close the door behind us and she sees what I have been doing.

Everything is in boxes. Well all of George's stuff is in boxes. She doesn't seem shocked, she must have heard me shuffling everything around. She sits on the edge of my bed.

"When are we heading to the shop?" she asks while tracing the pattern on my blanket.

"Tomorrow. I want to eat here then head over. Can you," I swallow down the tears, "live in George's room? I will help pack his stuff."

She nods, "Where do you want me to sleep tonight?"

I can feel my cheeks sting with blush a bit, "Do you mind if we, if I, if you, ummmm... Let me hold you?" I can tell my whole face is red.

She nods blushing as well. Both of us already in pajamas she climbs under the covers. I take off my shirt and climb in next to her, holding her close.

"Good night Mione." She faces my chest.

"Good night Fred." I fall asleep to her tracing H's and F's on my chest.


    I wake up from a long needed peaceful sleep. I hadn't had any nightmares, and I knew Mione had been having them too. I could hear her have them from inside the room. Usually Harry was the one to comfort her because Ron was too wrapped up in his own bed to come comfort her girlfriend. I hadn't expected them to break up so soon. I mean I knew his selfishness would get in the way but didn't think I would be the reason his selfishness got clashed with her selflessness. I feel her stir in my arms and look down at her bush of curly hair. The tip of her nose brushes against my bare chest and she takes a deep breath.

    "Good morning." Her quiet voice fills my ears. She shuffles so she is can see my face. Her big brown eyes filled with such awe. "How did you sleep Freddie?" She has never called me Freddie before.

    "The best I have in a long time. Thanks to this bookworm who crawled her way into my bed." I smart to her.

    "I did not! You asked me to stay with you!" She protests.

    "I know. But I wouldn't mind if you did in the future with me." I smile to her. She just smiles back and looks out the window behind me.

    We last like this for a while only chatting about the little things. Exchanging small smiles. Giving longing looks to each other while the other looks away. All sweet and innocent. Breaking away from our little interactions I stand up grabbing a shirt when I notice Hermione shiver. She is only wearing a tank top and pajama pants. I grab my Quidditch sweater and hand it to her. She takes it without hesitation and slips it over her head.

    "Bloody hell Fred. This thing is huge." She responds. Standing up, the sweater reaching her knees. I laugh and hold out my hand, breakfast filling my mind. She takes it and we walk down stairs hand in hand and go into the kitchen. Everyone but Bill, Fleur, Charlie, and Percy is here this morning and everyone stops what they are doing when they see me. Mum keeps going about her business and sets two steaming hot teacups in mine and Mione's places.

    "What are you doing out? And with my girlfriend?" Ron sneers at us. At that everyone goes back about their business. I ignore Ron and pull out Mione's chair for her, sitting next to her. Everyone goes back to their original conversations and Ron mutters something about Hermione being his, like she's property.

    "Jealous? Wittle Won Won? Because I heard the fight between you and Mione. And it sounded like she is no longer yours?" I smart to him. I watch him stand and storm out of the room.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2017 ⏰

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