At Citzens Field

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We are riding on the bus now, and everyone has no volume limit. Our band director is not on our bus tonight so we are fucking screaming. We are what you call the "Brass Bus". Every Brass instrument is on this bus. Everyone hates this bus. At Band Camp, the WoodWind Vets would tell all their freshmen to never look at Drumline or Brassline when we were doing stupid shit, it only encourages them.

We are literally singing Christmas Carols now. "Silent Night, Holy Night, Holy Shit its hot out, lets go home, to AC", the Baritone section sings.
"Do they ever stop being dumb or perverted"? Asks a freshmen trumpet player named Anita.
"In the year and half i've been here, No, but why fight it? All they're doing is having fun. So what the hell why not"? I answer.
I tilt my head and started singing at the top of my lungs the song they were singing.

We finally get there, and you can hear the football teams screaming and yelling and getting pumped up. In my opinion i really don't understand the need for that. Look i get that they really think they're all fucking that and its manly and all, but really? No need. Their egos are seriously bigger then when they get boners.

We get up in the stands, and we are all settled and mr. Barat looks like a freaking stress ball thats about to fucking pop, and now we have to get ready to march pregame. Pregame is where we march some
kind of patriotic thing that i've never ever got why we march it, and then the Star Spangled Banner, then the Buchholz Alma Mater (which is just a cheesy rip off of Some kind of christmas carol thing), then Big Four which is the fight song, where we stand there on the field at set for fucking ever as the football team yet again gets pumped up for absolutely nothing!

As we are marching back to the stands i see him. His tall, slender, muscular body as he puts his cymbals on, his eyes catch mine, his beautiful hazel gold eyes catch my sky blue ones, but i immediately look away, as climb the stairs. We get situated, take our Shakos (marching hats) off, and get our stands music ready.

Drumline is given the que from Barat to go for it. So they go for it. And the band goes nuts as we start dancing. A Sophomore Megan and I doing a thing called stand jumping, where, even though it pisses out douchebag of a captain named Stephen because he doesn't like us "messing up his order", *cough asshole cough*. Sorry i was just uh, clearing my throat. So we do it, no one cares.

As he crashes his symbols, and i dance to the beat of the drumline, its like a movie. The world slows down and it's like the entire world focuses on just the two of us, dancing and laughing in our own little world, where nothing ever matters. Then i'm awoken from
this world when mr. Barat starts screaming Fireball Fireball Fireball. Oh yay, Fireball.

1st Quarter over and done with, now on to second quarter. Percussion only stays for like 6 minutes out of this quarter. All of a sudden one of my freshmen Nivia, turns around and goes ich.
"You know, I don't approve of him and you know that, but for god sakes he keeps looking up here at you like he wants something", Nivia answer with disgust.
My heart literally starts racing. He. Is. Looking. At. Me. How the hell am i missing this!?
"For Crying out loud there he goes again"!
Oh my god, i'm done.
"You know he likes you right"? Nivia asks
"I'm sorry"?
"He likes you. I asked him. He likes you, but he doesn't want to hurt you. He does like you though".
He. He likes me. He actually likes me. He doesn't wanna hurt me? What? I'm so confused on so many levels. But i'm also on cloud nine. He likes me. This whole year, all the shit we went through freshmen year, and he fucking likes me. I don't know weather to be angry or happy. But as i saw him walk away to go get ready for half time, my heart answer the question for me. It aches as he walks away. It aches and aches.

We get ready for halftime. Caps off, Shako's on. Its like going into super mode. Its like, putting on your super suit. As i'm putting my music down i hear it. His solo. As i look over he is looking right at me. We stare and then he goes back and I go back. I go to get my plum, and i'm walking to my section, he's watching me. I can feel it, especially as i walk by the timpani he watches me. My heart is racing, everything is a blur.
It's Halftime guys, Get Pumped!

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