Band Camp

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This is it! The beginning of everything. I've been waiting all year for this moment because its Band Camp!!!!!!!!! I haven't seen him all year I wonder if he's changed at all, or if he's playing something new.

Not even here two minutes and Baritones are already making dirty jokes. Things never change. Walking over to my section, I set my stuff down and talk to all the section, and I can already see just how nervous the freshmen are.

"Hey you okay? You look like you just saw ghost", I ask Anita, one of the new freshmen.

"Yea, i'm just so nervous i'm going to forget everything, and mess everyome up",

"You don't need to worry about it, Not everyone walks on to the field a pro, they have to learn, just like you. So if you mess up, I promise its a good thing".

We walk into the bandroom to sit and go over the plan for the day. I told my captain i'll be back and walked out to my trumpet case to get my dot book, and i turned around and dropped my book. It was him. Standing right by the bandroom doors talking to someone in pit, and then he looks at me and freezes. We both just stare at eachother, wondering whose going to talk first. I ended up looking down to pick my dot book and he is all of a sudden right in front of me.
"Hi, um is there um something you need", i say shaking like a leaf
"I heard a bunch of people quit the Trumpet section" He says
"Yea, unfortunately, Landon's our captain now, and so is Stephen"
"Is Stephen the one with the stick up his ass"
"That would be the one",
"You think its gonna be the same",
"No, i think its going to be better, and hopefully fun", I said, and then i walked away.
He just watches me as i walk into the bandroom. I'm shaking and i feel like i'm going to lose my breakfast, That was him, the one my heart races at the sight of.
This is going to be interesting.

Day 4: Its been at least like what 3 days since we talked and all we've been doing is staring at eachother. During Lunch, on the field, afterwards, coming into Music Rehearsal, Sectionals, just everything that we were involved in together. We haven't seen eachother in 2 and 1/2 months. We were "making up for lost time", well at least I was. Its now Raining, so we are all practicing in the Auditorium, and we are about to play the show with Pit. This should be fun.
Oh my god! Oh my God! OH MY GOD! HE HAS THE OPENING SOLO. AND ITS AWESOME OH MY GOD I LOVE IT. It makes my heart rush and its like a high and adrenaline rush.

Week Two Day 4: Last day before preview show. Music Rehearsal went okay, but its so boring, and it kills your feet. We have finished movement one and movement two for preview day. So we are all packed up and dismissed, so i'm heading back to my moms car to drop my trumpet off. After I do that i hear his voice.
"Hey Kate, Wanna come help us push the cart, its really heavy", He says
"Hmm, I can't because my arms are like tots broken" I say in a annoying high pitched voice
He looks over at his Freshmen helper
"Thats a good thing. I mean, what help could we get from a little trumpet player", he says
I turn around to give me that I'm annoyed with you asshole, but he gives me that amazing look he always makes. He tilts his head just a little, and raises one eyebrow and just stares at me with his hazel brown eyes and he just laughs. And I try so hard to look annoyed bur my heart takes over and I smile with this I'm annoyed but I like you.
"I can hear you" I say as i giggle. And he laughs harder.
God this marching season is going to be very interesting.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2016 ⏰

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