How you ruined my summer

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My name is Mayme, I am 18 years old and trying to move on with my life, trying not to dwell on this past summer. It started out like every other summer at the cabin, but then it went horribly wrong.

I stepped out of the oven on wheels I call a car and surveyed the grounds. Nothing had really changed. Anna and Ben still housed all the fire wood, Corey had just returned from his yearly splurge on fireworks for the fourth, and Aiden and Carolyn were already at my cabin in their suits, holding towels and sunscreen. Carolyn has been my friend since I first came here 10 years ago. Her brother, Aiden, has been an item of interest or me for awhile, but I have never been able to act on it considering that pesky age law, with him being 2 years older then me. Since I just turned 18, I was wearing my skimpiest bikini. The top was grey with bicycles on it and the bottoms barely covered my bottom, but they had 2 WORKING zippers on the front. Over my swim suit I wore a pair of short cut-offs and a see-through tank top.

"Hey sexy" Carolyn said, "wanna go swimming? Or do you wanna unpack?"

"Um, I need to grab a towel and stop by Nitti's to see if I can get a job." I replied. Nitti's was the restaurant named after the owners, George and Dianna Nitti. They passed away awhile ago, leaving the resort to their only son, Jake. He had run the place exactly like his old man, and everyone appreciated him for that.

"You know how much Jake likes you, you'll get a job instantly. Ask after we go swimming, I'm dying to see that bikini. As for the towel, you can share with me." Aiden winked, then pulled me into a hug.

"God, I've missed you guys, how long are you here for?" I questioned. I was going to be here for the summer. I needed a break from my mom.

"Carolyn will be here for the weekend, whereas I'm staying all summer. How about you, I could always use some company..." He trailed off, with his signature smirk.

"Relax Romeo, I'm just here for the summer job. Don't be getting all full of yourself or anything."

"Oh, now, why would you call me Romeo? We both know he was just a teenager who couldn't keep it in his pants that had a 4 day fling with a sexy princess who can't make a decision."

"Wow, and I thought it was just a tragic romance."

Carolyn interrupted, "Ok, can we go swimming now? I've been waiting all year!"

I just gave her a grin and raced to the beach, stripping as I ran.

"Hey! Wait up!"

"NEVER!" I screamed in joyous reply, as a cannonballed off the dock.

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