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~Author's note~

This story is about a guy I like and I, it started with a dream and I'm trying to continue it. I'll show this to him, someday.


After I jumped off the dock, I heard 2 splashes behind me. I popped up looking for Carolyn and Aiden. Carolyn waved at me, but I couldn't see Aiden. All of a sudden, I was lifted up into the air, looking down, I saw Aiden underneath me, with his head between my legs, standing up and ready to launch me. I tightened my thighs and wrapped my legs around his head. Then slowly leaned back, causing both him and I to fall into the water. I was picked up bridal-style and then tightly hugged. Beaming, I looked at my savior from the cold water.

"Hey" I whispered.

"Hey" Aiden whispered back, slowly leaning towards me. I lowered my eyes and then looked up. He had so much love and endearment in his eyes, then I closed me eyes and moved closer. I was snapped out of the trance he had put me under by a splash of freezing cold water.

"Oh, you're dead!" I screamed as I flew towards him.

We spent the rest of the day swimming until 9 at night. After we changed into the usual sweats, we met up with the other kids our age and had a bonfire in the 'ghetto' as everyone called it.

"Ugh, this is so boring!" Cory whined. He was 2 years older then me, and acted younger then me.

"Well what would you rather do?" I asked.

"Um, truth or dare? Or Spin the bottle?" Cory's friend Blake asked, smiling at me.

Aiden shouted "Spin the bottle!!"

"Okay" we all agreed, and found an old soda bottle nearby. Cory set in the middle of the arrangement of stumps we were all sitting on.

"Who goes first?"

"Well, either Carolyn, Mayme, or Jenna. They're the only girls"

"I'll go" Carolyn offered.

She spun and landed on Cory. They shared a soft peck, nothing to spark fireworks.

"Okay, Cory's turn!" Aiden shouted.

Cory spun and landed on me. He slyly looked up at me and gave me a sexy smirk.

"Are you ready?" He asked.

"Yes" I chuckled.

He slowly walked over to me and looked into my eyes. Holding my chin, he pulled me close and slowly moved his lips to mine. I kissed back and pushed my tongue in his mouth, pushing against him. All of a sudden, I heard a cough behind me.

"Jesus, we said kiss, don't swallow each other!" Blake said.

I blushed and looked around, not seeing Aiden. "Hey, where's Aiden?" I asked.

"When you two were swallowing each other, he left. Said we needed more firewood." Carolyn said, nodding towards the full pile of firewood next to us.

"I'll go help him." I said, and ran off to the houses.

Catching up to him, I hugged him from behind. "Hey handsome, where you going?"

"Was it good?"

"Was what good?"

"Cory's kiss."

"Oh, um, not the best I've had, but yes, it was good."

"I can't believe he was able to kiss you, I've been trying to get you to kiss me for years!"

"Aiden? How long have you liked me?"

"I've loved you for 10 years."


"Yes, I've loved you since you tried to steal my credit card out of my pocket on the 4th of July the first year we met."

"Yes, nothing like theft to make you really fall for somebody."

"You are energetic, but calm and caring. Your sense of humor is twisted and sexy, it really turns me on. You are beautiful and make me so happy to be around you." Then he pushed me against a tree and kissed me. He was rough and demanding, while at the same time being soft, sensual, intimate, and even a little apologetic, he wanted more, he slowly pulled me closer to him and our tongues entwined together, he tasted like passion. It felt like there was nothing else in the world, everything else faded out of view, I could have kissed him like that forever, if I hadn't needed to breathe. When I came up for air, our lips parted with such hesitance. I knew that this summer was going to be interesting.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2013 ⏰

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