Chapter 2 -Move on-

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It’s been a long time, that I become one of them. One who suck bloods that my biological father is hunting for. Fox told me something important. "Follow what the Valcro Coven wants. If they want to refuse something that what you see obey them, if they are on our territory protect what you can protect and the others who can’t be protected. Let them. They are the one who in charge of it." This is very stupid for me, it’s very difficult to do for them. Who are they?! VIP Monsters?! Who are they?! Kings of the whole world of the delicious preys! Called HUMANS. It exact 9 PM when the plane landed on airport. The stewardess remind us that we must go at the lobby first before we go out in the airport. One of the pilot is a Vampire too. His name is John Delta, my adopted father's best friend. And he guide us to the lobby. When we are in the lobby. He speak,

JOHN: "Fox. My brother."

FOX: "How are you doing brother?!"

JOHN: "I'm fine. I'm very hopeful that you find a new newborn to be part of our world."

Then a glance of golden brown eyes direct in my yellowish red eyes. then she speaks again.

JOHN: "What is your name?"

ME: "Me?!"

JOHN: "Yes! You."

ME: "My name is Cliff sir."

JOHN: "Don't call me sir. Just call me John."

ME: "OK. John."

JOHN: "So. What are you busy with?"

ME: "I'm taking up Biology."

JOHN: "For?"

FOX: "He, wants to be like me."

JOHN: "OW! That's great."

ME: "I'm very sorry sir. But I must leave for a moment."

FOX: "Why?"

ME: "I can't take this anymore, my thirst give me a reason to kill human here in the airport."

FOX: "OK. I know that you will shock whatever you see."

John is smiling like there is a present in front of him. But there is nothing there. Then I immediately go to the restroom and want to take a look of my eyes are aching on our travel from Europe to Alaska, when I enter the restroom where it is located in the left side of the lobby of the airport. I immediately walk from the door to the mirror of the restroom, I immediately get the contacts on my eyes, and look at the color of my real eyes, its immediately change. The little crimson magenta with yellow touch color of my eyes are changing. It change in light golden brown, then the dark patches on my skin is already fading and turning in to white. The white color of my skin is looks like a snow on the marble, then my fangs are getting shorter. Then I say to myself: "Is this how Vampires exists in this world." Then someone is coming inside. When I look at the door, then I thought it’s a man, but I am wrong. A little girl, age from 13 to 16 yrs. old. Then I speak,

ME: "The other door is for Ladies."

LIL. GIRL: "So?!"

ME: "So. You must go out of this room."

LIL. GIRL: "What a stupid and aggressive Vampire. I didn't introduce myself. I'm Intima, one of. Your family friend."

ME: "Really?"

Then someone speaks,

JIAO: "No! She is not one of our family friends. She is from Valcro Coven. One of the Guardians."

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