Chapter 8 -The News-

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It’s one o’clock of the morning, Monday. She is absolutely sleeping. When I read the news in her father’s mind. There are killings in the city. She is awake by my little shock, then she ask.


LEX: “I’m sorry. I fall asleep.”


ME: “It’s okay. It’s not you. It’s me.”


LEX: “What is it?”


ME: “Your dream.”


LEX: “What do you mean my dream?”


ME: “It’s happening.”


LEX: “What do you mean it’s happening?”




I move to the side of the bed and look at her.


ME: “Someone calls your father. The chief police of Alaska is dead. He is killed by something. Has fang.”


LEX: “Do you mean?! A vampire?”


ME: “Can be.”


LEX: “Why can be?”


ME: “Nothing. Just don’t worry about it. You are so safe.”


LEX: “I know it. because you are there.”




She jump out on the bed and straight to the bathroom. She is washing her face. Then come back when she done.


LEX: “You can leave me from now. I will take… you know, a bath.”


ME: “OW.”




I lost from her sight. I know she is not wondering why. The killer? Who is he? I mean who are they? Is it Aries again or someone new? I actually saw him last 25 years. He is little smaller than me, what is he look like now? I am exactly in my room. Preparing for my school. I open my dressing cabinet and choose an outfit. There is a box inside of my cabinet. A kind of a gift. OW it’s nineteenth of January. And it is my absolutely my birthday. I open it. I see a pair of like a combat shoes that is really fashion style and a long jacket, like a “cloak of Dracula.” Then someone open the door and speak.


TIF: “Is it wonderful?”


ME: “OW Tiffany. You must not be worry about things like this. I can buy clothes by myself.”


TIF: “Brother. I know you don’t like shopping habit. So I decide to buy you a clothes. A new one. And one more thing..”




She walk forward and whisper,

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