chapter 11

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Ethan's Pov
I woke up to see Dylan snuggled into Grayson.  I'm pretty jealous of him.  Not in the sense that I wish I was dating Dylan...don't think that.  I'm jealous that he really knows how to treat a girl and stay in relationships.  Girls come and go in my life, and I guess I just want to settle down on a girl I really like. 

Grayson's Pov
Ethan woke me up at 8:00.  I was so damn tired from last night.  Today, we are going to the beach with a few of my friends. I was hoping that Dylan and I could hang out alone, and Ethan could hang out with our friends. We were just gonna chill, and if she's up for it, I would love to go surfing.

Dylan's Pov
I woke up next to Grayson with his arm around me using his phone. He was texting some of his buddies, Cameron Dallas and Aaron Carpenter to meet us at Santa Monica beach. I gave him a peck on the cheek and walked to the bathroom to get ready. I didn't take a shower, because I was going to be swimming. I put some light waterproof makeup on (mascara, concealer) and put on my outfit (above).  I haven't been to the beach since summer vacation, so I was pretty excited, but also horrified.
I walked out to see Grayson in some striped swimming trunks.  He went into his suitcase to get a shirt.  Me and Ethan thought it would be funny to steal his hair gel.  I walked into the bathroom, and hid it under my shirt.  I walked out and put it under my pillow.  Little did I know how much that boy loves his hair gel.  Grayson walked into the bathroom, and noticed the missing item right away.
"WHO TOOK MY HAIR GEL!?"  He yelled in a worrying tone. 
"Ethan I swear to fucking god, I know you have my hair gel."  He Suad sternly to Ethan.  I went into the closet and stated cracking up.  I snuck into the bathroom and put it back.  Then I ran back to the bed when he wasn't looking.
"I swear to you guys, it's not in the bathroom."  He explained.
"Really? Let me check."  I said giggling.
I walked in and got the hair gel.
"Babe, if it's not in the bathroom, then what is this?"  I said pointing to the hair gel.  Grayson looked so confused.  I felt bad, yet again it was hilarious.  Me and Ethan should team up more often.  Grayson apologized to Ethan and went to do his hair.  15 minutes later everybody was ready to go. 

This was a bad chapter I know, I just thought it was funny.  Happy New Years tho!  I will be updating the story in a little bit, I just didn't want it to be one long chapter.  Anyways, don't forget to vote and comment!  Enjoy!  Love you guys!

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