I Shouldn't Have Done That. : Chapter 14

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So, here is chapter 14 of INYOURSHADOW!! I know it may seem sort of twincest-y, but trust me, there's nothing between them but brotherly love :P Please read, comment, and spread the word! On to chapter 14!! :DD



Today was the worst day of Bill's life. It was even worse than when his parents had died. Grammy's... gone. Forever. He clenched his teeth, trying to fight the urge to cry ever since he got that phone call at midnight. Apparently, someone had run Grammy over in the street and had just left her there. A wave of fury washed over him. How could someone just leave an injured woman on the street? He was so pissed off, his hands began to shake. He clenched them tightly, his painted fingernails digging harshly into his skin. He shut his eyes, calmed his breathing, and exhaled. Calm down, he thought. The police will catch the killer. He slumped in his seat. A sudden thought struck him, and he dug his cellphone out of his pocket, dialing Tom's number. He picked up at the seventh ring.

"Bill?" Tom said tentatively.

Bill burst into tears.

"Bill! Are you okay?" Tom asked panickedly.

"No, I'm not okay!" Bill spluttered. "Grammy just died!" he cried, before sobbing into his hands.

"I'll be there in 10." Tom said, hanging up the phone.

Tom stuffed his cellphone into his pocket, tears sliding down his cheeks. 

What had he done?


Tom stomped on the brakes, leaping out of the car and into Bill's house. The place was swarming with people, family members, friends, and some members of the police. He weaved his way through the crowd, looking for Bill. He made his way to Bill's bedroom, turning the doorknob. It was locked. He knocked on the door softly, and after a moment, the door opened a sliver and Bill peeked through it. 


"Yeah, it's me." 

Bill pulled the door open wider, allowing Tom entrance. Once Tom was in the room, he shut the door behind him, locking it. 

"Oh, Tomi." Bill said, hugging him tightly, tears pouring down his cheeks.

"Mom and Dad called me Tomi. Do you remember?" Tom asked, wrapping his arms around Bill's petite shoulders.

Bill shook his head.

"Yeah, I guess we wouldn't remember anything about then." 

They stood in their silent embrace for a while, before Bill broke the silence.

"Tomi, I-"

"Shhh." Tom whispered, putting his chin on Bill's head.

Bill sobbed into Tom's chest, making the fabric of his sweater wet with snot and tears. Tom's own tears dripped steadily onto Bill's hair, flowing onto his shoulder. They cried onto each other for what felt like years, Tom feeling worse and worse with every sob. Finally, when someone knocked on Bill's door, they separated from each other, both wiping their tears away. Bill glanced apologetically at the wet stain on Tom's sweater.

"Sorry about your sweater." Bill said, wiping the last of his tears away.

"S'okay. Sorry about your shoulder." Tom said, rubbing his eyes.

"It's fine." 

The person knocked on the door again. 

"I better get that." Bill mumbled, as he stumbled to the door and opened it. It was a cop, so large that he filled up the entire doorway.

"Bill? We'd like to ask you some questions."

"Come on in." he muttered.

The policeman seemed to fill up the entire room with his size, and the room felt extremely cramped.

"Tomi? Maybe you should go."

"What? Oh, yeah. I'll go." he said awkwardly, pulling on his coat and walking out the door.

Tom kicked himself inwardly every step of the way to his car, and all the way back home. How in the world could he fix this? There's no way Bill would ever forgive him for doing what he did. Ever. What am I gonna do? he thought, as he blundered up the stairs to his room. He shut the door behind him, fighting the urge to scream. He shouldn't have left Grammy. He shouldn't have left Grammy, he shouldn't have left Grammy... the thought spun endless circles in his head, as he shut his eyes and thought of how to get himself out of this mess.

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