Chapter 7

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"you're fine now miss davison?" Greg asked. I smiled and tried to catch my breath. the airport was hectic and I was not in the mood for getting mobbed today. I had finely come to the realization that I wouldn't get to see my friends for 4 to 5 months and that was really hard. "arrr hi" stunned I snapped out of my daze to see a very handsome boy. "hello" I blushed. "look um you dropped this back there" he smiled and handed me a small stuffed teddy bear. "no I di- oh right thanks, hey since you were so nice could I repay you with a drink". I blushed it had been a while since I flirted. "yeah that sounds great, are you on the 9:30 flight to LA" he asked. "yeah I'm heading down there for work". grinning we headed to the bar. "um so what would you like" he asked. I actually wasn't eighteen yet so technically I shouldn't. "its a long flight I probably should start with something light, a lemon lime and bitters". "two please" he said to the bar tender. "so macey why are you going to London"? he asked "ohh so are you magical or something because you didn't ask what my name was". "it on your bag" he laughs. oh right dam I am so silly. we chatted lightly for a few minuted before his phone rung. "err I better take this" he excused himself. woo I couldn't believe my luck, im finally getting over harry and a very handsome guy just knocks right on my door. looking around I notice an extremely large blown up photo of my face endorsing Rimmal London. ARRRR what if he saw this he could freaking out! I mean I endorsed lots of stuff, my face was probably on half the magazines. I started to stress just as my phone rung. "macey, your little party will be in every mag tomorrow" my publisicts barks. "errr how" I asked timidly. "three photos got out there was more but the 1D management handled it. I am sending them through now", I looked down at my phone to see three new attachments. one was me and nail dancing, thankfully I looked fine, not slutty or drunk which I defiantly was. the second was just lani and el smiling. but the third was me staring at caroline before I punched her. "oh fuck"! "look we will maintain you and Caroline are great friends and the party was just a small gathering! your bloody lucky your not holding alcohol because your not eighteen yet"! she yelled. "anyway I want you to tweet caroline something about how good friends you are! okay! we will deal with the rest later"! She yelled and hung up. "hey we should get going" tom said. "oh crap the gates already been open for 20 minutes" I said. we headed back to the gate walking very closely, and both sneaking glances at each other. My luck must be getting better and better because he was sitting right next to me! I mean since it was fist class there was some distance but we were close enough to talk through most of the flight. *the captain thanks you for flying with British airways, please collect all language from the over head compartments and leave via the exits ahead, once again we thank you and hope to see next time* "macey, macey we can leave now" a faint voice said. I looked up to see Toms light blonde hair getting further and further away as he exited the plane. Feeling disappointed I looked down to see a small note: macey I hope we can meet up some time I had a great time call me ************* Ps. You can call any time!

I smiled reached out my phone and dialled his number. "Hey thought you leave without saying good bye huh" I said as I thanked staff and left the plane. "Yeah but I have the most beautiful sight right now" , I smiled to see Tom staring at me. "Anyway I really do have to go but we should meet up for coffee and a movie or even both" he suggested. "Sure" I smiled giving him a quick hug and a peck on the cheek. Before parting Tom added "macey, I like your movies by the way, but I liked you more"! Omg Tom fricken Felton likes me!

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