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I'm so excited, why? Because i'm heading to the same school as my friends.

When I arrived to school,I farewell my mom and head to my classroom. I saw the others but to make them surprised when they see me,I surprisedly hugged Menma from the back startling her and the others.

"Hello!" I said,still hugging Menma

"K-kami?!" Menma stuttered

"What are you doing here?" Jintan said and I let go of Menma to looked at the others

"I'm studying here,now" I said and showed them my backpack. And they "Eh?!" pretty surprised, I just giggled

"Yay now we all together!!" Menma said and I smiled at her

I looked around the whole classroom, everyone seemed to know each other.

"Eh?" I said when I know test a boy with dark blue colored hair and caramel eyes was sitting all alone in his sit. I'm curious,and well I cannot control it,so I head to him,with a friendly smile I approached him

"Hi!" I said and he looked at me with an annoyed face

"What?" He said

"What's you're name?" I said

"Do I NEED to tell you,shorty?" He growled

"Shorty? I have a name you know" I growled back,I need to defend myself

"Do you think I care?"he said as he looked uninterested. I just let him go and sighed,and walked away back to my friends.

"Eh? What's wrong,Kami?" Jintan said as they know test my angry expression

"That boy over there,I was trying to talk to him but...he ignored me" I said

"Oh,that's Mashiro Jun,he was in our classroom last year" Yukiatsu said

"He's a real meanie" Menma said pouting

"Yeah he doesn't like to talk to people" Anaru said

"Well to us he didn't" Jintan said

"But,he only talks to some boys who were bullies in our classroom last year so.." Tsuruko said

"Probably since their aren't here,he feels annoyed" Jintan said

"Oh..." I looked down at my hands. Now I feel a bit of pity for him,I know it's bad for him to have friends like that but, now I feel sorry for him. I think he feels out in this class.

"Kami?" I looked up at my friends,they looked worried

"Are you okay?" Anaru said

"I feel sorry...for him" I said and pointed at Jun

"Why?" Menma said

"Well...I think he just doesn't know how to socialize with another people so..." I said

"You're worried about him,right?" Tsuruko said

"Yeah" I said and they smiled at me

"You're really sweet,Kami" Menma said

"Eh?" I said

"Yeah,you're a great person and a great friend" Yukiatsu said

I blushed a little. What?

"He may be an meanie but now that you say that,we can try again,right?" Menma smiled

"Yeah!" I smiled

Spring cherry blossom~(Anohana fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now