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Waking up from bed pretty early, I dressed up to an pastel green long shirt,denim jeans,red jacket and sneakers. I grabbed my bag and luggage,

"Oka--oh! You're ready to go huh,well come on we're gotta go in 20 minutes" Mom said and I nodded

I take a look at the room before heading out. The house looked really empty now but...

"Kami!" I head outside and to my surprise,my friends were there

"Guys!" I smiled and head to them "why you guys here?" I asked

"Well duh" Menma said

"We came here to say good bye" Jintan smiled and the others agreed. My eyes widen, my smile grew wide and I don't know how but I grabbed and hugged everyone (A/N: I don't know if it's even possible) tightly

"Thank you all,so much!" I said and they all hugged back 

We let go of each other but not in a second I saw Menma tear up

"Menma" I said and then I know test the others to tear up too "g-guys" Then I felt a pair of arms surround me. It was Menma.

"P-please don't...forget a-about us,ok?"she cried and my eyes wide

Why would I forget them? That's impossible,their my best friends and I love them. I hugged her back

"It's ok,I won't forget you all" I smiled and she sniffed hugging me tightly "Come on guys" I called the others to give them another hug. They hurriedly hugged us back

--After two minutes,I said my good bye's to my friends and head to the airport.

"...You know," Jintan said and the others looked at him "Kami is a friend that we cannot forget" he smiled

"Yeah" The others replied smiling too

--"Hey mom,where our things are going to be?" I asked mom as we were heading to our flight

(A/N: O_O I'll be honest,I don't even know but please bare with the answer)

"Oh! Another plane will take care of that so don't worry--now come our flight it's waiting for us!" Mom said as she used her free hand to take mine.

We hurriedly give our tickets and head to our flight. This is basically my first time flying out of Japan so to be honest,I was kind of nervous.

"Come on Okami,our seats are over here" Dad said as he lead the way through the plane. Yeah it was almost full but oh well.

I sigh when I sit on my seat that basically,it was bigger than me. Putting my seatbelt on,my dad our luggages and put them up at the plane boot (?)

"Wow,that luggage was kind of heavy...did you put in rocks or something?" dad said as he rubbed his back wich I cracked a laugh

"It's just my clothes,personal stuff and books,problem~?" Mom smirked at dad

"No,I think I pass" Dad said sweat dropping

I just kept smiling at them

"Everybody take put your seatbelts we're gonna take off" the stewardess said

We put our seatbelts and not before some minutes we all felt the plane to take off. I was holding my mom 's hand. Then when we felt the plane already in air,I let go mom's hand.

"Anyway let's read french" Mom said as she took out a book from her pocket (A/N: It's a big pocket,besides the book it's rather small ;) ) and started to read

Oh yeah,mom use to teach me a little bit of french but for any case,

"Mom,can I get a book too?" I asked her and smiled at me

"Sure! Let me get you one" she said

I looked at the window,so this is a new adventure huh. I felt a tapped on my head waking me up from my daze. I turned seeing my mom,

"Here" She said and I smiled and took the book

To be honest,I haven't read a book in french like ever but hey like my mom said "the journey of a lifetime starts with the turning of a page" so why not?

----Without know test,we were already in France.

Taking our things from the plane boot,we head out of the plane. Basically,I had to grabbed my dad's hand because there where a lot of people in the airport.

"Wow there's sure a lot people here,hope we can find my sister...somewhere" Mom said as she looked around

We keep looking around but it didn't last long when we heard someone calling us,

"Ember!!Ember!!" I looked over a crowd when I saw a woman waving at us

"Mom look over there!" I said pointing at her,my parents looked where I was pointing and immediately we head to her...well my mom. We followed her behind,

(A/N: the language will be in french but! I will put the traduction beside it)

"la soeur!*" My mom said (*sister) and hugged her and kissed her cheeks,so I can guess she's my aunt

"*Oh mon Dieu , je suis tellement heureux que vous êtes tous ici!" My aunt said (*oh my god,i'm so glad you all are here!)

"*moi aussi,moi aussi!" My mom said (*me too,me too!!)

"Belle-soeur" My dad said (*sister in law)

"beau-frère" My aunt said (*brother in law) and give him a hug "avez-vous prendre soin de ma sœur ?" (*have you taking care of my sister?)

"hmmm l'aimer et de respecter ses chiffres ?" My dad smirked (*hmmm loving her and respecting her counts?) And my aunt let a slight chuckle

"ont encore ce sourire béatement" My aunt said (*still have that smugly smile) and that's when she know test me

"si cela est ma petite nièce" My aunt said(*so this is my little niece) and I nodded "wow vous êtes si belle"(*wow you are so beautiful) I blushed a little

"M-merci" I said rather nervously,because I'm not that used to the accent

"aw , allez laissez- moi vous donner un câlin" My aunt said as she open wide her arms. I shyly hugged her,she smells like croissants!😍

After we let go of each other;we grabbed our stuff and head out of the airport.

I really hope everything will be fine here...I hope.

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