two 🎨 can i rip your face off, please?

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dedicated to: @Saccharine_Rose

Shadow The Hedgehog

I just shook off what I was thinking of and just walked away from my locker, wondering who that girl was. I didn't know the art was her's, but mistakes happen.

Amy Rose

I walk down the hallway, trying to find my locker, but it wasn't in sight. As I walk through hallway, a green hedgehog with a black leather jacket and red sunglasses walks down the hallway going the opposite direction. He then bumps into me, and I snap my head to him and head turns to me.

I asked the question, "Can you watch where you're going?"

He seizes me head to toes, and gives me a devilish smirk with his sharp teeth.

He replies to me and with a, "Whatever you say, cupcake."

"Don't even go there." I say disgusted at his flirty ways.

"I just did." He says, walking off leaving me scoffing.

He has no respect to ladies. I just forget that ever happened. As I walk off and look back at him turn the corner, my face hits a metal object, which made my vision hard to read. I lay my right hand on top of my forehead and moan in pain.

"Oh, i'm so sorry!" The person says which made me regain vision.

"No, no. It's my fault." I see a rabbit in my presence and I remove my hands. "I-uh... wasn't paying attention."

"Um.. I'm Cream." The rabbit speaks with a wave.

"Nice to meet you, Cream." I greet back.

"Wait, are you new, because i've never seen you around." She questions me.

"Well, sorta. I moved to this school two weeks ago but no one seems to notice." I giggle, playing with my fingers behind my back.

"Oh, well, that's good. This school isn't so bad once you get to know everyone."

"I guess. Well, it was nice meeting you Cream but I have to run before the bell rings." I walk backwards, only to find myself bump into someone else, which was entertainment to Cream.

A grin is what she wore upon her face. We shared a giggle and I run down the corridor, fast yet slow.

Oh, yeah. And that green hedgehog, he will not stop the sexual harassment. Everywhere I went today, there was always a complimented here and there. It made me want to through up the color of his skin.

Scourge The Hedgehog

My next class was occurring for me and I was psyched to be around so many girls, but I was still next to my boys, Sonic, Silver, and Espio.

We were drawing many different types of things. I was drawing a rose for the pink girl I kept on running into today. She's smokin'.

"Scourge." Sonic called my name, and I turn my head to him. "What ya drawing?"

"A rose. It's for a girl." I state, making my friends around me chuckle.

"Shut up, you guys." I say playfully, a little embarrassed.

"Who's the girl?" Silver asked me, focusing on his artwork.

"Honesty, I don't know her name. She really pretty though."

artist (amy rose & shadow the hedgehog)Where stories live. Discover now