three 🎨 why can't you realize how much i...?

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dedicated to : @SonamyBoomLover

Amy Rose

The past few weeks have been amazing. I've finally met new friends, and each one of them is very kind and loyal.

Cream is my best friend. She's so nice and kind, and she never gets angry. She always helps me with situations and she is the absolute bestie for me.

Blaze is also my best friend. She always wants the best for me, and defends me for almost anything that happens in my life. She's really and strong and brave young individual.

Comso has to be the most shy person I know. She doesn't really have any friends except for me and my best friends. Other than that, she is extremely smart and loyal. One thing she likes to do nonstop is talk about some yellow fox, who I didn't know, yet she really seems to like him, and she always asks me and Blaze what to do if her and Tails ever interact, but we tell her to be herself because she is a wonderful person to have in your life.

And now let's get onto my guy friends. One of them is a red echidna named Knuckles. He's very tough, but no so when around the opposite sex, especially if he's around the one's he is attracted to. He can also be very filthy sometimes. One time me and my friends went over to his house, and we were not amused at what we have seen.

And there's my best guy friend, Shadow. There are millions of things I love about Shadow. For one, we both share the same passion which is art. He's very talented and I believe he could become great at what he's doing. There's something about him that makes me feel safe, other than the fact we also share the same desire to hurt Scourge really bad.

Anyways, that's all of them. I love my friends, and I hope they be my long terms friends forever.

It was almost 8 in the morning when I was preparing to go to school.

Putting on my green top, skinny black jeans, black jacket, and black converse shoes, I quickly went to my desk.

I quickly attempt to finished what seems to be a incomplete art assignment, since because of that green fool. As I was a second to completion, I hear the voice of my sweet mother calling me from downstairs.

"Honey, you'll be late for school!"

"Coming, mom!"

I stop my sketching, got up from my desk, grabbed my book bag, and headed downstairs, slinging it around my shoulders. Walking to my mother, she handed me my lunch, and kissed me on my forehead, then running out the front door.

"Bye, baby!" She says before I shut the door. "Love you."

"Love you, too!" I reply and shut the door.

Walking on the sidewalk, my skin was introduced to the cold weather, causing me the shiver. I was losing all the color in my little arms. I managed to throw my hoodie over my head and zipped up my zipper to the top, and warmth hugged my tightly.

A sigh escaped my teeth, and I continued walking. A few seconds later, I hear a deep voice calling my name.

"Amy, wait up!"

Familiar, I thought.


Turning my body the opposite direction which prevented me from walking, I see the black hedgehog wearing a red jacket running to me.

"Hey, Shadow." I greet him, raising my hand in mid-air waving, seeing my breath turning visible due to the dropped weather.

"Hey." He replied, finally catching up to me.

artist (amy rose & shadow the hedgehog)Where stories live. Discover now