forty one.

755 23 8

Ashley's POV

I sat there, unable to fathom the thought of it not being his fault.

None of it was his fault. He couldn't do anything about it.

"I need to see him." I said quietly.

Harry's head snapped in my direction and he smiled at me.

"I think that would be a great idea. But first, shopping."

I nodded and stared out the window. I preferred to have to windows down, but its "too hot", so Bree insisted on having the AC on.

"What are we even shopping for?" I asked, returning my attention to Harry.

"Anything." Harry shrugged, looking at his phone.

I nodded as I looked at Bree who was still focused on the road, while 5 Seconds of Summer sounded throughout the car quietly.

"So, are you not mad at Niall anymore?" Bree asked, changing the song selection.

"No. I mean, I'm kind of upset that he didn't tell me two days ago when we first met. But no,I'm not pissed." I said, unlocking my phone.

"Good. I'm glad things are back to normal." Harry said, looking out the window.

Bree pulled into the parking lot to the mall that is extremely familiar to me.

We exited the car and entered the mall. I felt like an extreme third wheel as Harry and Bree laughed at something they said.

Those two are perfect for each other. They have some of the same likings and they make a really good team.

My feet followed Bree and Harry while I thought about seeing Niall again.

He said that he loved me.

He knows everything about me. I told him everything. Its just hard to believe that he kept it a secret this long.

"Ashley, do you just want to go to Niall now, or later?" Bree asked, turning to look at me.

"Oh, um, it's really up to you guys." I said, biting the tip of my thumb.

"Good, because I'd like to purchase a motorcycle." Harry said, pulling out his phone.

Bree looked at him, one eyebrow up.

"And you want one because...?"

"They're cool. I want one so I can drive it." He said, looking at her.

"Alrigty then. I guess we'll go get a motorcycle, then take you to your prince." Bree smirked before turning on her heel.

Harry walked beside her as I trailed behind them for Tue second time today. I would feel awkward if I didn't, so I just stayed behind and played on my phone.

I shut it off as we walked outside and across the parking lot.

"Okay, so where exactly do we get a motorcycle?" Bree asked as we got in the car.

"Um, I have no idea." I said, buckling my seatbelt.

Harry sat beside me, buckling his own.

"Ya know, you could've sat up there." I pointed out.

"Yeah, but then you would've been lonely." He said, looking at me.

"Awe, you're too sweet." I said, side-hugging him.

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