O N E - H A I L E Y

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Why am I so nervous?

Taking in a deep breath, I look down at my résumé resting gently in my shaking hands and look over for the hundredth time what it consists of. I never thought one piece of paper with a bit of information and a plain headshot would determine my whole life. Boy did I prove myself wrong.

"Hailey Baldwin?"
My head shoots up and gaze fixes on a woman who looks to be in her mid twenties. Her hair is pulled back to to a neat bun and her pencil skirt hugs her slim frame perfectly.

Holy crap even the secretary is perfect...

I somehow manage to bring myself up on my wobbly knees and follow her through two gigantic mahogany double doors.

"Take a seat Ms. Baldwin. Don will be with you shortly. Would you like some coffee or water while you wait?" She asks sweetly.

"No thank you." I murmur. You'd think she'd be able to tell that my mind is a complete bundle of nervousness.

She simply nods and walks away leaving me alone in the lions den. For a second I have the urge to ask her for something for the mere fact that I won't be alone. The thought suddenly passes when I glance up and take in a full 360 of the room.

No wait... Freaking gorgeous. Yea that fits it.

The walls are a light grey color and compliments the brown wood that looks as if it had just been polished. There's a desk in the center that looks out on the beautiful buildings of Beverly Hills. Turning my head to the right I see a plain white back drop with a camera in front of it.

"Who are you?" booms a voice that startles me senseless.

"Um Hailey Baldwin?" I reply in a whisper.

Geez hails... sound a little more confident.

Clearing my throat, I try to take another swing at it but my vocal cords abandon me when a 6'7 man with salt and pepper hair comes into view.

"Stand up girl" he challenges.

I hop up onto my feet a little too quickly and stand in front of him with my back straight and head held high.

If I cant sound confident, I should at least try to look it.

The man circles me slowly as if he'd been starved for days and im the only piece of meat left. After what seemed like twenty minutes he walks over to the backdrop and camera setup and turns around motioning for me to follow.

"We're going to take a few more head shots of you for my sake. I need to have my own headshots for the books." He says.

I nod. Unable to form any words in my nothingness brain at the moment.

"Do you speak? I'd hate to hire a rude model" he looks aggravated and annoyed.

"Yes sir, I speak. Sorry this is my first time doing something like this and I'm a bit nervous." I reply gently.

A bit? Ha.

Something sparks in his eye. Amusement? Humor?

"Let me give you a little advice. Never admit that you're nervous it makes you look weak. Fake it until you make it. That's how you survive out here. Got it?" he states.

I nod quickly with a little smile.

What the hell Hailey? Speak...

A sudden burst of courage comes out of no where. Holding my head up high I walk up to the back drop and stand in front of the camera it's a smirk.

"Got it." I reply confidently.

He gives me a knowing smile and stands behind the camera.

"Atta girl. Now show me what you've got Baldwin."

And show him I will...

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