T H R E E - H A I L E Y

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1 year later.

"This is going to be so much fun!" sequels an excited Kendall beside me.

Yes Kendall as in Kendall Jenner. We've gotten really close after my career as a model took off about 3 months ago. We met at a shoot in Miami for a swimsuit ad. After we fought over the last cake pop at the craft table, we could never go back to being strangers again.

"I can't believe I actually let you talk me into this..." I reply while tugging my skin tight mid thigh dress down. I can't complain though, the dress was stunning. It was a pale blue dress that was cut off at the sides and long sleeve arms.

"I can't believe you did either honestly... I thought I was going to have to blackmail you or something." She smirks knowing at me.

I gasp.
"You have blackmail on me?!"

Kendall tilts her head back and giggles and for a moment I'm blazing jealous of the fact that she doesn't even have to try. Being beautiful just comes naturally.

"Hell no! But you wouldn't have known that."
She winks as we walk up to the club doors.


The sign shines bright above me in big letters promising me that I might have a little fun tonight.

I better or I'm giving up on my social life.

According to Kendall, nightclubs are the best way to gain status, because of the people you meet.

Ha ok. We'll see about that one.

The bouncer sees us walking up and automatically unclips the velvet belt and let's us in.

It kind of makes me feel bad for the people who have to wait in the line for hours and we're able to just walk it.

My thoughts disappear as we step inside because for the second time in my life, I'm amazed by the art interior design.

The walls are a burnt red with crystal chandeliers hanging dim on each tiny square. In the corner is a huge DJ booth and throughout the center stood about 6 risen platforms that the dancers use.

"Wow..." I breathed.

Kendall side eyes me and grabs my arm pulling me into the middle of the dance floor.

Might as well try to have fun right?

• • •

After the first hour and a half, my feet are killing me and my mouth is begging for a drop of moisture.

"I'll be right back Ken." I call to a dancing Kendall who is barely paying me any attention.

She smiles and nods, signaling that she heard me.

Deciding to take a quick stop to the bathroom, I make my way pushing past the sweaty drunken body's that block my way to the bathroom.

"You know you're about to go into the boys bathroom right?"

A smooth voice brings my hurried steps to halt and causes me to look up.

Well dang Hails you really were about to march your little female self into the men's bathroom.

A nervous giggle bubbles in my throat and I spin around.

Holy honey brown eyes....

That beautiful voice belongs to the beautiful Justin Bieber.

His eyes dance with amusement as he watches me helplessly gape at his god-like features.

His hair is slicked back and he's sporting a royal blue collared shirt and fitted dark jeans.

He looks dangerously delicious as his bubble gum pink lips pull up in a smirk.

"Like what you see pretty girl?" He chuckles.

I gasp suddenly realizing that I just took my time analyzing this guy head to toe while he was fully aware.

Great. Now he thinks you're a stalker girl who pee's in the men's bathroom. Way to go Hails.

"Oh um.. Sorry... I was just looking... I mean I was on my way to..." I babble like a teenager who just got caught with weed in their sock drawer.

Justin chuckles once again and slowly makes his way towards me step by step with my heartbeat matching in rhythm.

He stops right as we're face to face then bends down and cups my cheek with his hand. All the while his soft thumb is rubbing circles on my chin dangerously close to my bottom lip.

"You're babbling is almost as cute as your face." He whispers and smiles to himself then continues.

"What's your name? Not the babble version please." He teases.

I laugh a bit and breathe a sigh of relief that he lightened the mood.

"Hailey... Baldwin. But my friends call me Hails." I say as confident as I can.

He pulls his thumb up and brushes my lower lip softly while I on the other hand freak the hell out.

"Hailey...." He tests the name out and sue me if I said I didn't love the way it sounded on his tongue.

"Hey Bieber! You're on in 5 bro lets go!" A man shouts in the back pulling us out of our moment.

Or at least that's what I'm calling it.

Justin nods still holding his gaze with mine. He takes a step back and bites his lip and I swear to god I have never been more jealous of teeth in my entire life.

"I'll see you around?" He calls as he walks backwards towards the stage.

I tuck a loose piece of hair behind my ear and nod because I can't image what the hell would come out of my mouth if I tried to speak.

Justin winks and turns around heading up the stairs to the stage.

I on the other had stay nailed to the floor trying to put the pieces of what just happened together.

I only came up with one answer.

I freaking love clubs.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2016 ⏰

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