T W O - J U S T I N

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It's bright. A little too bright for my liking.

Why the hell is it so bright?

Attempting to sit up, I fail and fall back down onto the bed. With my eyes semi cracked, I try to make out the scenery in front of me.

I do a quick sweep of the room with the one eye that's barely open.

Two night stands on either side of the bed. A door leading to a living room. Another door to the right leading to a bathroom. Someone's house maybe? No wait... Hotel?

Something flat and rectangular hits my arm as I -for the second time- attempt to get up.

The Four Seasons Miami

The hotel key confirms my previous confused state. Finally sitting up, I rub my eyes with the palms of my hands and start to get out of the bed when something moves beside me.

I look over my shoulder and blink a couple times so my eyes can adjust to the brightness.

It's a girl.

I mentally slap myself because I'm too tired to do it physically.

How the hell did she get in here?

I try to think back to everything that happened the night before but it's hazy and nothing seems to add up.

It was a party. No a club.... Shit.

I take a closer look at the female sleeping peacefully next to me.

She's brunette, Tan skin, full lips, and curves that go on for days.

She starts to stir and slowly her eyes begin to open. Smiling up at me she leans up on one elbow and extends her arm, rubbing her fingers down my back in a way that I guess is supposed to be hot?

"I had fun with you baby" she purrs.

I wince and slowly stand to my feet with my hands braced on the bed to balance me.

"Listen...." I began but don't finish because I have no freaking clue what her name is.

Is it rude to ask her what it starts with?
Maybe I should just guess... She looks like a Madison. No Danielle. Shit... again. Whatever I'm going with it.

"... Megan-" I start to explain the situation until she cuts me off.

"Jayde." She says emotionless.

At least I know she won't be calling me baby again. One point for Justin?

I blow out a breath and run my hands over my face and through my hair, groaning silently.

"Right... Sorry. I'm sure you're a great girl, honestly, but I need to clear my head. I have an album to finish and-" she cuts me off again.


"Save it. Clearly you can't remember anything from last night." She says while shooting up out of the bed and throwing on whatever clothes she has left.

"Just don't even bother calling me." Rolling her eyes she grabs the rest of her things.

I smile to myself.

If I don't remember your name, I sure as hell don't remember your number.

She notices and huffs. Within 3 seconds she's out the door with a slam.

I sigh and drag myself into the bathroom turning on the water watching it run in the sink.

What are you doing Bieber?

Bending down, I cup my hands under the water filling it to the brim with the cool clear liquid and throw it in my face. It gives me a brief relaxing moment before I pop my head back up and look at my reflection in the mirror.

"Who the hell are you?" I growl angrily at my reflection.

I never used to be like this. Hooking up with random girls and not even being a gentleman enough to remember her name in the morning?

I groan and run my hands over my face for the second time that morning.

I stare back at the stranger in the reflection.

"This is the last time." I point to the mirror.

Within the next 5 minutes, I'm dressed and ready to get to the studio and continue to create an album that's already taken me close to two years to make.

I grab my phone and keys then run out the door.

Time to change Bieber. Let's go.

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