Chapter Two

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Lillian's Pov

It has been a quick week as we have been training day and night for the world cup. We all wake up at five in the morning to start our warm-ups and training.

I mainly work with one of the coaches or on occasion the chasers in blocking goals. Most people say I was made to be a seeker seeing that I can tell where a person will move and what they will do. But I can be pretty reckless so they kept me in the keeper slot.
But today was a very different day. We were packing up all our things and getting ready to head out to the quidditch world cup. Since I was already packed up, I decided that I was going to run a few rounds around the field. I put my trunk and my crate down next to the port key and trotted off to the field. It was fifteen laps later when everyone was done and they found me on the field. She wasn't sweating while she quickly caught her breath and followed Ben, the team captain, to the port key.

"Everyone ready?" Ben asked as he held onto the ceramic gnome's tiny hand as I knelt down to touch its foot

"All ready Freddy." I replied as the last member touched the gnome and we were off.


Well here was the newest chapter. It is short and it was really a filler but I promise the next chapter will be longer and filled with a lot more action.

»a lost soul«

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