Chapter 3: Study Buddies?

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As Monday came it was time for school. I got ready and got on my motorcycle and head towards the school
As I cut the engine off and got my helmet off I feel a punch on my shoulder.

"Ow!" I looked up and see Nazz next to me. "What the hell was that for?!"

She giggled and said "That's for not picking me up.. Again!" Her giggled stopped and made a mean look "You know my car is getting fixed and you said I can count on you for rides.... Thanks for ditching me once more." Her smile turned into a frown

"I'm sorry Nazz! Honest I guess I forgot,I had something on my mind and didn't remember that I had to pick you up again." I started to scratch the back of my neck.

"Whatever I'll just get Nat to give me rides, Bye!" She walked off with her middle finger in the air.

Great.. First we broke up last month and now I forgot to give her rides again.. What's next! I slapped my forehead.

-Time skipped it's 4th period-

4th period was my History class which I suck at the most as the bell rang I hear my teacher calling me to his desk. "Kevin I see your grades haven't improve the past few months now and if you keep this up well I'm sorry to have to say this but you'll be kicked off the football team and baseball team for next semester." He gave me a paper of my grades on it.

"What! You can't do that! I'm the greatest player they have on both teams and if I- " he cut me off.

"And if you get kicked off I know the sports will have no chance of winning. But that doesn't matter, what does matter is your grades. So what I have here are some extra credit projects you can do with a study buddy I have assigned you to." He gave me a smile.

"Fine,whatever ... Wait who's gonna help me?!" I said while I started feeling my heart beat fast. I turned around and there he was. It was the dork.

~It was the end of the day the last bell rang~

I got my leather jacket out of my locker and can hear footsteps behind me, a tap on my shoulder
"Greetings Kevin as your study buddy/tutor I need to inform you in some things-"

"Whoa!" I slammed him onto my locker "Who are you to tell me or inform me about things you have! All I have to say is be at my house later at 7:30 because practice will be going late today and don't be late got it dork!" As I gave him another shoved swung my jacket on my shoulder and head out.

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