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Madd's pov

2 months later

Right now me and Hayes were on the plane half way home

I was sitting right next to him , I had my head on his lap

He was petting my head telling me to go to sleep but I couldn't

" Babe can we watch a movie " I ask

" Yea babe , what movie " he asked

" Let's watch the notebook " I say and he smiled

He pulled out some tissues and I grabbed them glad fully

He pulled out the double headphone thing and plunged it into the computer

He grabbed the chips that I had put in his backpack and he opened them

We plugged our beats in and we he put on the movie

I cuddled into him and he put a hand around me


We were half way through the the movie when my eyes were getting heavy

Hayes kissed me and told me to go to sleep so I obeyed and closes my eyes

4 hrs later

I felt like shaking and I opened my eyes to see Hayes

" We're landing babe get up " he Said and I woke up completely

I stretched and the intercom went on

" Put on your seat belt guys , we're about to land , thanks for riding on California Airlines ( Made it up guys ) "

I got my seat belt on and waited

As soon and we landed I grabbed Hayes hand and he stood me up

Yea it's been 2 months , I do have a baby bump and you can see it very little

I was about to grab my bag when Hayes grabbed it for me

" Babe I can do it " I Said to Hayes

He smiled

" Well you have a child in you and until you give birth , I am at your service " he said the end in a British accent

I giggle and he chuckles

We walk out of the ( I was about to put helicopter until I remember I know the difference between a helicopter and a plane ) plane and Hayes held my hand through all of it

We were walking towards the exit when we saw Ariana , Matthew and Their kids Leo and Caly ( Their names are Calypso and Leonardo )

And Cameron And Joselyn and their kids Jacob and Carmen were there too

They jogged towards me and as soon as Josie and Ariana saw my baby bump they started to congratulate me

I smile

" Now how old are you guys " I ask Jacob and Carmen

" We're 5 " they said holding up 5 fingers each

" And how old are you guys " I ask Caly and Leo

" Twee " they said and held up 3 fingers

How cute

I smile at them and kiss their foreheads

" Josie , Ariana , My sistas " I say reminding myself that I have been ignoring them a little

I hugged them and they hugged back

" How old is she/he " Ariana asks

" 2 months " I say looking at Hayes

He was talking with Matt and Cameron

" Hay why don't we go " I ask

" Yea call Hayes and the guys please " they ask and grab the kids

I walk over to Hayes and he looks over at me and smiles

" Yes baby " he ask hugging me

" Let's go " I say and he nods and grabbed our bags

I grab one out of his hand and I throw it into my loos hand and grab Hayes had

He kisses my cheek and i kiss his cheek too

We soon arrive at the car and we were riding in Matt and Ariana's mini van , I put my bag in the back and sat down in the back seat with Hayes next to me

Cameron sits the kids in their car seats and Arabian takes the wheel

She turns on the radio and ' Boss ' by 5H comes on

I smile at Ariana and we start singing

" C-o-n-f-I-d-e-n-t ,That's me I'm confident "

*Skip car ride

We arrive at Josie's house where me and Hayes will be staying while we go house hunting

I take my luggage to the room me and Hayes will be staying

It had a flat screen tv

Netflix on it

A desk

Josie knows me so well

It's cause I go on the Internet a lot

A spiny chair

A king size bed

I put my bag on the bed and smile at the room Hayes walks in and closes the door

He walks towards me and hugs me

I hug back and he lets go

He touches my belly bump and smiles

" I'm ...... I'm a dad " he says

" And I'm a mom " I smile

Hayes smiles at me

" I love you " I say

He smile at me and kisses my lips passionately

He brakes the kiss

" I love your too , my Angel " he says and kisses me


Comment your favorit name from the 4 names for the 2 genders please I need help

My guardian angel | Hayes GrierWhere stories live. Discover now