Chapter 2

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Still Pikachu's pov

         We finally made it to the Pokemon center in pewter city.we gave her to nurse joy and Chansey.right now they are cleaning up her wounds.meanwhile me and Skyler were waiting outside.

"Pika pi pi"(I hope she's alright) i said in a worrying tone

"Don't worry I'm sure she is alright"Skyler assured me as she petted my tail,causing me to squeal in delight once again,but stopped when nurse joy came out of the room with Chansey by her side

"Eevee is all better now!she just needs a little rest"nurse joy said

"Chans Chansey!"Chansey said giving us an assured smile,then again she always smiles

"Can we see her?"Skyler said almost pleading"sure!"nurse joy said"Chansey may you please take out guest to eevee's room?""Chansey Chansey!"Chansey chirped as she took us to eevee's room.she opened the door for us to see a peaceful eevee (rose) sleeping on a bed.she had a bandage on her forehead and on her arm.She looked so adorable and she- wait did I just say that?i seriously just met her,plus she wouldn't fall for a stupid rat like me...

Skyler's pov

I saw thunder staring at rose.there was a hint of pink in his face.i smirked"you like eevee don't you?"thunder was looking at me with his red as a magikarp."pika pi pi pikachu pi pika pi pi"(what no i don't I-i mean s-she I-s r-really p-pretty and...)he said stuttering like crazy.I started to laugh"pika chu pi pi"(oh what about your crush,Gary) he it's my turn to blush."s-shut up." I said as he chuckled.then rose's eyes started to open up.

Pikachu's pov

       Rose's eyes started to open up.oh arceus,I hope she didn't hear that! "Pika pi" (are you alright?)I asked

"Eevee ve ve"(yeah,thanks to you)she said as she hugged me.i just sat there frozen.soon enough I hugged her back.i noticed Skyler looking at us smirking.i swear I'm gonna use thunder shock on her later... Eevee then pulled away looking away in embarrassment"eevee ve eevee"(well guess I have to go back to the forest"she said in became silent."well.."Skyler said breaking the silence "you can come with us if you would like!""pikachu!""eevee!"(really!)me and rose said at the same time.holy mew did she really just said?!"ev eevee"(sure!)she said in delight.oh my arceus I'm gonna faint! "Great!"Skyler said"what about you thunder?""pika pi"(uh sure) I said."alright then,GO POKEBALL!"Skyler screamed as she threw the pokeball at rose.the Pokeball started to shake left and right until it stopped which meant it rose is now Skyler's Pokemon "alright I just caught an eevee!"Skyler said doing a weird me it wasn't the first time I have seen someone do that -_- "come on out eevee" Skyler said as she let rose out of her Pokeball."now to the pewter gym!"Skyler screamed as she ran outside,as me and eevee followed her.oh boy,this is gonna be a long journey...

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