✉ Advice Column ✉

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Lately I've been reading less Tokyo Ghoul fanfictions on wattpad and more on other various sites because of a single, and simple reason- at least those on websites such as AO3 and even Deviantart, it appears that they try.

Usually, I recieve a few requests from people, asking me to review their books or do follows for follows or reads for reads

(but I decline the follows for follows and reads for reads, because that isn't a decent way to recieve usable and applicable feedback).

ANYWAY- each time, their messages somewhat go like "I tried extremely hard, and it would mean so much if you read it and gave me some advuce on how to improve on my writing skills," etc.

And those messages make me incredibly happy, the truly do.

But when I check out their stories- oh my sweet baby Jesus.

It does not appear that they have tried. In fact, it appears that they have never written in the English language. Sometimes,

I am truly appalled.

The summaries are decent, but could use some work (I know the struggle with summaries, I can't write one to save my life. To be honest, I suggest that you finish the book THEN worry about the summary. Or edit it as your story progresses along) but when I start reading... the grammar is nowhere near being correct, the spelling is astrocious, some don't know the correct ways to use ';' , ':' , or even form proper sentences.

There are things such as run-on sentences- I remember that from 5-7 grade English classes.

So after I'm done reading the books- I'm not sure how to respond to the person that wanted feedback. [Please note that these are a select few... well majority of people that ask me. About 9/10 of people inquiring my 'feedback' have stories like this, sadly.]

To wrap this up so I can get to some tips- I shall say this.

MY RESPONSES ARE EITHER BRUTALLY HONEST AND I SHOW NO MERCY, OR I SUGAR-COAT EVERYTHING. Now I understand you're probably thinking "sugar coating won't help anyone, they need to improve, so be brutally honest!"

Listen here- I actually have no arguement, I genuinly don't know how to help some of them. Like, there is no possible way I could've helped some of those people unless I was standing directly in front of them, and guiding them through every tiny detail that was wrong with the chapter...


1. Descriptions and Synonyms

"The dog is very happy. I am happy that my dog is happy."


"The dog is very happy. I am glad that my dog is very cheerful."

Google is your friend. Instead of repeating the same word such as 'happy', think of a synonym. Seriously, how can you expect anyone to enjoy the story if you describe everything in the same exact way?

Also another key phrase: description is important.

[I wrote two random sentences, so I apologize if both are dull!]

"The room was dark and cold except for the light that was streaming through the nearest window."


"I felt my body shiver as my feet touched the chilling floor. It was pitch black and eerie, and the only source of light, was that coming from a nearby closed window. The curtains were fluttering (hinting that the window is open) as streams of light decorated it's nearby surroundings." [If you actually wrote something like this, I'd say edit it later.]

Eh, I don't particularly like either, but the second one definitely has more description, and gives you a better sense of your surroundings. When I write, I pretened that my goal is to actually allow for the reader to believe that they are there. Also- MORE DESCRIPTION MAKES YOUR BOOK LONGER, WHICH IS ALWAYS A GOOD THING.

2. Force Yourself To Write & Write Down Small Ideas

Ahahahahahaha, before you throw your shoes at me, hear me out.

It is NEVER okay for you to force yourself to write a story, that you are appaled by. (I know it defeats the purpose of my title... but It'll make sense in the end.)

Even if it has a sh*t ton of reads, comments, and votes, don't do it.

What I'm saying is... if you had some small inspiration, start a new chapter -that you may or may not publish- and write with that small idea. It can be somewhere in the beginning of your book, or start talk about the ending of your book but there is no better feeling -at least to me- than the one, where you can just continously write and not worry whether it's long enough, or whether you or the readers will like it.

Even if you don't feel like writing, but you have nothing better to do, then yeah, I say that you should push yourself if forcefully at least make you open a document and write down that idea. You never know- you could use it to write 10 more chapters or even start a new book...

That's all I have for today, I hope that my tips helped at least one person!

~Bry Senpai (Bry_anime)

Tokyo Ghoul Magazine - December Edition, Issue #2Where stories live. Discover now