✄ Cosplay Tips: Juuzou Suzuya ✄

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NEED. MORE. WORKERS. It is now 4:10 in the morning and I've yet to even have a nap. School starts tomorrow, and I'm not looking forward to it. Yes, it's nicevibe again. I'm sure you're getting sick of me by now ((because I'm for sure getting sick of having to write my own name down)) but as the manager, it's my job to pick things up, and make it easy on my workers!

Anyway! For this issue, we're going to be going over how to cosplay as the adorable, the eccentric, Juuuuuuuzouuuuu Suzuyaaaaaaaaaa!

Such a cutie patootie.

Let's get started!


What You'll Need

- A pale pink, long-sleeved button-up w/collar

- Black, knee-length trousers

- Suspenders (either blue, red, or red with yellow polkadots, which you can paint on)

- White, chin length wig + wig net

- Black blazer (optional, and if you don't know what a blazer is, it's a type of jacket that both sexes wear casually, but it makes them look fine as hell)

- Black undershirt (sleeveless)

- Red bobby pins

- Red slippers

- Red eye contacts

- Bandeau/chest wrap

- Makeup (low grade contour kit, eye shadow set, fake eyelashes)

- Red thread, non-toxic white glue, water, a small container, a paintbrush, and tweezers (for fake stitches, unless you feel like going all out and doing some actual body modification, you psychos...) Or, you could use a fine tip red Sharpie if you're too lazy to do real fake stitches)


For now, let's not worry about the wig. First things first, put your damn clothes on! That's right, the shirt, the pants, the suspenders, and of course, the slippers. Great! Now you know how to dress yourself. Good on you.

Secondly, make sure that you have a good makeup kit with you. Keep in mind, cosplaying as Juuzou isn't limited to a single gender. As I'm sure you're aware, there had been a lot of controversy over him and if he was male or female. If you're still not convinced, yes, he's male, friends. So it doesn't matter if you're a guy, or a girl. Or a dog. But this isn't FMA, so let's not go there.

So, let's talk makeup! I'm not going to pretend I know what I'm talking about, but let's then pretend that I do, yes?

Juuzou is pretty pale for a nineteen-year-old, so slap some light/cream/white foundation (it all depends on your skin tone, so make sure you test it before you use it!) on that face of yours, as well as your neck, and chest and collarbone area. You'll also be done your forearms and the legs that are visible where your pants end. Make sure that when you do this, go over your eyebrows, but only if they are light. If they aren't, simply use the lightest concealer pencil you can get your hands on and go over the most thin end.

After you've put that gunk on your face, you're going to apply your contacts, and then open your eyeshadow kit, or whatever you've got, and look at your darkest colour. Preferrably a dark, dark brown, or an onyx. Don't go black, though. He ain't goth. But I suppose you can even take eyeliner and do this, even though it just looks better with eyeshadow. Apply it right under your eye, and try your best to get it right on the line. He's got bags under his eyes that are just about as bad as mine FROM STAYING UP UNTIL FOUR IN THE DAMN MORNING. Anyway, make sure you blend it so it's not one solid part. With the eyeliner, use it on both your upper and lower eyelids, staying as close as you can to the edge without losing your eyesight. Don't blend this. The eyeliner will open your eyes more. You can apply fake eyelashes to accentuate this, but it's optional. When you're done with that, you should use a nude lipstick (I recommend using matte) to go over your lips. Not too much though, you want a little bit of colour to show.

Using a red, fine-tip Sharpie, draw two x's underneath your right eye on the far side, and two underneath your lips, on the same side. It's not necessary to draw these x's all up your whole arm, but if you do decide to, make sure you wait a few minutes before putting your button up back on so it can't run into the fabric. And, it's best to get someone to draw these x's for you so they are aligned properly, the same thing when you're going to draw them down your neck. So if you're not going to draw them on your entire arm, start from the point of where the rolled up cuff of your button up ends, and draw them in a downwards spiral. It should end just past your first knuckle on you middle finger.

Now, if you want to make real fake stitches, use the supplies I mentioned in the list above and follow steps below:

1 - Make sure you decide how much red thread you'll need before getting started on anything else. This'll save you loads of time.

2 - Mix equal parts glue and water in a small container. Then, place the stitches in the glue mixture to have them soak while you're preparing your skin.

3 - You're going to brush the non-toxic glue onto your skin where you'll be placing Juuzou's stitches. Use a thin brush, as if you use a thicker brush, the glue will make the glue look deformed and untidy, whereas on Juuzou, the stitches are neat and clean. Let the glue dry just a little bit on your skin before applying the stitches!

4 - Now you can start applying the stitches onto your skin, using the tweezers.

And that's how you cosplay as Juuzou Suzuya! I've never done a cosplay how-to before, so I hope this turned out... Yeah.

Tokyo Ghoul Magazine - December Edition, Issue #2Where stories live. Discover now