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Everything has gotten touchy, and I cannot excuse myself from being like this. It's like when I write something I tend to go on about how it could be this but also this. Like how everything gets turned into a big deal.. And how that it should be a big deal but it shouldn't but there is a reason why it is. 

I know, I made it sound so fucking difficult, I confuse myself too. I just wish I was able to escape from myself, but i am always escaping, but I am not either, and I know I am so goddamn ambivalent, I just cannot help it. 

I make myself sick, I just want to not be me, but find myself, yet run away from myself. Not to mention the fact that I am so goddamn hideous and straight out ugly, that no one would ever care about my feelings. I mean I do not blame them..Why would they? If I were to be have the ability to be around myself, I would care about my feelings. But no one ever cares about your feelings.. that's why I like no say NOCAYF. Which means what I just said. It's true. 

I get so involved, and I get so angry and I get so everything. I just

If I were to be told to describe myself in one word it'd be 2 words because I cannot just find one word to label myself, but I'd say it was everything depends. Because whatever situation I am, it just depends. Nothing is every set in stone. But I mean how easy would it be if it was? 

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