Chapter 1

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*John POV*

I wake up to the sound of a screeching alarm clock, immediately slamming my hand down on the yowling beast, of course regretting my decision and immensely pondering my life choices as my hand erupts in pain. "omigosh ouch!" I yelp sitting up and rubbing my hand in pain before fumbling around on my bedside table as I search for my glasses. I stand up and sluggishly stumble out of my room and down the hall to go to the bathroom and brush my teeth and do... Well do normal morning stuff do I really have to describe a morning routine? Like honestly I assume all that Egbert would do is brush his teeth and wash his face -elbigpoppy .
      I walk back towards my room and get dressed, putting on a light blue shirt with a green ghost or whatever on it don't remember what it's called because I dont pay attention to details for shit apparently -elbigpoppy and pulling on some pants and my tennis shoes. I walk downs stairs and see my dad sitting at the table reading the paper while drinking a cup of coffee. My eyes widen in shock and I turn to the clock. "John you're still here? You better get a move on son you've missed your bus!" He stands up and ushers me out the door barely giving me enough time to grab my school bag and my wallet from the place it sat on the kitchen table.
     "Oh man I am so going to be late!" I groan to myself and start to rush to school barely making it in time for the first bell. I sit at my desk breathing heavily jade leans over and pokes my cheek, the multi-colored strings tied to her fingers tickling my face, I quickly swipe her hand away. "What?" I whisper slightly annoyed.
     "Hey why are you late?" She whispers back sounding concerned.
      "I lost track of time I guess" I shrug and she is about to reply when the teacher clears his throat and addresses the class.
       "We have a new student and I would appreciate it if SOME students didn't make this class look loose and chill. Do I have to remind you this is a math class children? Honestly if you keep talking how are you supposed to pass these god damn standardized tests? Any who, mr.strider? You can come in and introduce yourself now" jade looks up to the front of them room and I look to the door as it slowly opens, a hot-wait did i just call him hot? Omigosh John you aren't a homosexual! A TALL blonde boy looking to be about 15 walks into the class, all of the girls immediately start drooling over him and staring at him at him hungrily.
      "Sup. I'm Dave." He says cooly immediately locking eye-contact with me causing my face to heat up. I quickly look at my desk embarrassed.
       "Would you like to tell the class about yourself? Please be as direct as you like, you can talk about where you're from, your favorite things, hell you could even say your sexuality I don't care." The teacher shrugs not paying attention to Dave obviously on his phone playing candy crush. (I feel bad for those students. They were required to give him their facebooks at the beginning of the year.)
          "K. I'm bi. Where I'm from really doesn't matter that much though so. What ever." I start to blush even more as I can still feel his eyes on me.
          "Does anyone have any questions for mr.strider or can he sit down?" The teacher asks still not looking up from his phone.
          "Yeah. Can I have your number?" Crystal, the most popular freshmen girl in school asks confidently holding out her phone.
          "No." Dave shakes his head, everyone in the class 'ooh's' and starts to laugh at crystal. the teacher finally looks up at Dave and sees his sunglasses.
         "Oh mr.strider you can't wear those inside so you can take them off now." The teacher holds out his hand expecting Dave to give him his shades.
          "No." Dave shakes his head and the teacher looks at him slightly shocked but doesn't really give a fuck.
         "Alrighty, sit by mr.egbert then I guess." I stiffen but crystal opens her mouth having finally recovered from her initially shock of being rejected.
       "Don't sit him with the geek sir! Your setting him up to fail, let him sit with me~" she purrs and the teacher almost cringes.
        "Okay you're getting written up ms.ventra. Obviously discriminating against John. He is a student just as much as you are." The teacher shakes his head and I start to tremble "sit down Dave." Dave shrugs and goes over to me having never stopped staring at me once. Jade snickers.
       "Ooh looks like your getting a boyfriend~" I glare at her.
       "Sh-shut up jade I'm going to get beat up now by crystal and her boyfriend now! Also I'm not a homosexual" I stutter but then get slightly annoyed. Jade is about to say something when Dave interrupts her.
         "What do you mean you're going to get beat up by someone? And I'm going to pretend I didn't hear that last part because I assume I don't want to know what you to were whispering about earlier" I stiffen and blush.
        "I-uh h-hi Dave. I-it's nothing" I stutter and turn around to look at him flustered but jade shoves me out of her way so she can see Dave better.
           "He is getting bullied by crystal and her bunch of (crystal)((actually no scratch that. The crystal gems aren't bullies... Well actually...:| )) clods from the football team and her boyfriend who is captain of the wrestling team. He doesn't want to tell the teachers but the teachers already know as you can see from earlier but they can't help unless they see it or John tells them but he doesn't tell them because they would probably beat him up" Dave stares at jade seeming to process this information.
        "So he is john and you are?" He asks leaning onto my desk and talking to jade.
         "Jade." She answers casually and smiles. Dave nods.
          "Okay well why don't we teach these fags a lesson?" Dave asks seriously staring at jade.
             "Because they never go to attack him unless he is alone because the last time I chased them down with a harpoon gun threatening to impale them and the drag them toward me violently like scorpion from mortal combat and that if I ever saw them mess with John I would shoot them with my rifle." Jade sighs and Dave stares at her for a second before covering his mouth and bursting out laughing, his laughs smothered so that he would not disrupt the whole class.
"Wow you remind me of someone I know on pesterchum" Dave laughs and jade smiles.
"What's their name?"
"Hey that's me!" Jade giggles in delight and Dave looks at me, I immediately blush and look away quickly having been unconsciously staring at Dave the entire time.
"What's wrong Egbert?" He asks staring at me confused.
"N-nothing!" I say quickly getting flustered and quickly grabbing my bag as the bell was about to ring.
Dave gets up and stretches "well it's been nice but looks like the bell is gonna ring in a few, can I eat lunch with you guys?"
"Sure" jade nods cheerfully and drags me out of my seat to go to our next class, we have pretty much all of our classes together except 3rd period before lunch because she has technical theatre and I have art II.
"Alright cool. Later Egbert. Bye jade" he waves and we go our separate ways.
*time skip to the end of third period*
I slowly put away my drawing, careful not to smudge the cheap pencil drawn half finished art, placing it in my portfolio and putting it in my class drawer. I walk out of the class room, my backpack slung loosely over one shoulder as I start the long walk to the cafeteria from the portables.
"Hey Egderp I have something to say to you" I cringe as a familiar voice reaches my ears. I slowly turn around And swallow dryly.
"Y-yes k-Kyle?" I stutter terrified. He comes forward and shoves me onto the ground.
"You got my girlfriend suspended. You should be ashamed of yourself you made her cry! Now I'm going to make you cry even harder then she did." He punches me straight in the forehead and my head slams back on to the ground, everything going white. I had never been punched so hard before in my life. I continue to receive those deadly blows but I couldn't move. I couldn't do anything. My ears were ringing. Kyle soon realized something was wrong because I was usually trembling and sobbing by the first punch but this time I wasn't even responding. I faintly hear him running away before I pass out.
*Dave POV*
I sat with jade in the corner of the cafeteria. We were idly chatting as we waited for john to finally get to the cafeteria. "Man is he always this late?" I groan slightly annoyed. Jade laughs.
"Not usually. Sometimes though" I look at her exasperated and then get up.
"I'm going to go look for him, save our table?" I ask jade she just nods and continues to eat her lunch.
"Yeah alright I'm waiting for rose still anyways. She is probably talking to one of her other friends" jade say and motions towards the directions of johns third period class. "John has portables third period." I nod and run off in that direction searching for john. *le quickskip* I open the door to the outside of the school and look around for John when I spy a figure collapsed on the ground. I rush over to the figure to see if they were okay.
"Hey dude are you- John?...!!" I stare at the mess I see before me in shock. John was laying on the ground in a pool of his own blood appearing to be coming from the back of his head and his lip was split and bleeding and his cheek was bruised along with one of his eyes that also was bleeding. "I-oh my god john!" I rush to the portable at the end of the path and burst through the the door, appearing to be interrupting an economics class my big brother dirk was conveniently in. (Dirk is still his legal guardian cos fuck the police) Dirk looks at me confused but I ignore him and look to the teacher who looks like she is about to scream at me but I interrupt her "MRS THERE IS A STUDENT WHO IS BLEEDING VERYY BADLY ON THE PAVEMENT " she blinks in shock and rushes to the back of the class.
"Hum okay class I'm going to go see what's up with this student uh... New guy press the office button and tell them we are going to need the nurse and maybe a security guard" she looks at me and nods for me to take her to the where john is. I run back to where he is with the teacher following. When she sees john she shrieks in shock "OHMIGOD WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO HIM?!?!?!?!?!???!?" I rack my mind to try and figure out what might have happened.
"Hum... OH! Earlier he was scared that he was going to get beaten up because some girl had gotten written up for bullying him.... I think he said the captain of the wrestling team and the school football team beats him up?" I try to remember.
"Well it couldn't have been the football team they are out practicing right now... Wait do you know him?" She asks as we wait anxiously for the nurse, her unable to call the police for an ambulance because school regulations are broken and the nurse and the principal have to decide if it is that bad.
"Yeah. His name is John"
I nod And she looks at him sadly.
"Man poor kid" she shakes her head and the nurse finally WALKS through the door with a wheel chair finally starting to run after we both stare at her judging her harshly. She finally gets here and pales when she sees the state john is in. She hurriedly checks his pulse and then radios the principal.
"Sir we need to call an ambulance..... Don't say he probably just needs a bandage his pulse is like barely there!" I pale when I hear this and stare at john anxiously "sir please!..... What do you mean you have to see him?.... Sir!.... Then Hurry up...,. IGNORE THEM THIS KID IS GOING TO DIE" I finally stop listening and take matters into my own hands the teacher looks at me reach for my phone and just nods and pretends not to notice. I dial 911 and put the phone to my ear ".... Yes I'm at spectrum high school and there is a student here currently bleeding out..... He has a very low pulse...... Yes...... Yes today would be nice officer this kid will die if he has to wait much longer..... 2 minutes?.... Yes thanks I appreciate it.... Yes have a nice day officer" the Nurse looks at me slightly relieved but aggravated.
"Hey you aren't supposed to call the police we could get an ambulance here in 30 minutes." The nurse says to me.
"Yes well I got one here in 2 so." I shoot back at her snarky as the sound of sirens echo in the distance and the nurse tries to figure out how she could move him. She is about to just pick him up when an emt yells at her from across the field to stop before she hurt john more. I stepped in front of john protectively and the emt's rushed down the field with and stretcher and they pick up john in a specific way where his head wouldn't move so much.
"Which one of you are going with him?" The emt who had yelled at the nurse earlier asked looking at the three of us the nurse was about to speak up when John said something is his unconscious state.
"....d.......ave...." He whimpered barely audible.
"Okay which one of you is Dave?" The emt asks and I stare at John shocked.
"Uh.... That would be me..." I raise my arm and the emt grabs it and starts to drag me away with John "u-uh could you tell my brother Dirk I might be a little late getting home?" I ask the teacher, she nods and the nurse grabs my arm and pulls me back and scolds the emt.
"First of all, you cant take this student off campus unless you are his legal guardian and have signed him off on leaving and secondly the-" I interrupt her.
"Dirk is my legal guardian he could sign me out while I go with John." I point out and the teacher nods in approval.
"But the nurse is supposed to go with the student." The nurse starts to protest
"Look lady this kid might die. If he requests someone by name, he gets that someone. Hurry up" he grabs my arm again and drags me down the field rushing along with the rest of the emt's and John as we get into the ambulance and they drive down to the hospital as fast as they can hoping to save john. After that everything was a blur as I followed john from room to room as he got thrown around and checked out by serval different doctors, mostly waiting outside of the door but when we finally land in a stop at a final room where John is to recover I sit in there with him listening to the endless beep of a heart monitor, droning on and on in an almost comforting manner always certain to be their never changing once. The doctors had told me yesterday that he just kept calling my name while they were x-raying on him and he did it especially when he was getting the back of his head stitched up. I thought it was quite cute that John was doing that and now I was waiting for his dad to come to see him.
"Dave...." He whimpers quietly and shifts slightly. I blush and lean over, kissing his fore head comfortingly. His dad finally comes bursting through the door.
"JOHN? JOHN ARE YOU OKAY?!?!?" Dadbert yells rushing over to his son and looking at him concerned "wait who are you?" He turns on me and looks at me suspiciously
"Dave strider nice to meet you sir." I stick my hand out politely and he shakes if.
"Why... Are you here?" He asks unsure.
"I have no idea. I only met your son yesterday and befriended him and he was like beat up but he called my name and the emt made me go with him." I shrug and he looks at me weirdly.
"Really? Weird" he shrugs but then we both turn around as we hear john speak.
"D-Dave?... Who... Who am I?..." He asks and me and dadbert freeze. dadbert turns around and rushes over to his son, obscuring me from view.
"JOHN YOURE AWAKE!" Dadbert says enthusiastically.
"Who are you??? Who is John? GET AWAY FROM ME!!!! D-DAVE??!?" He starts to hyperventilate and I rush over to him.
"Uh... Hey John calm down its me I'm right here. You're... Uh.... Breathe? You're John Egbert. This is your father he isn't going to hurt you alright? Uh... John?" I say awkwardly unsure of what I was supposed to do to calm him down.
"I'm.... I'm John.... John Egbert...." He repeats to himself uncertainly and dadbert leaves the room to find a doctor . "D-Dave why can't I remember anything...But you?" He asks me.
"I don't know Egbert. How are you feeling?" I ask concerned.
"Bad..." He shakes his head and I chuckle and ruffle his head. The doctor comes in with dadbert and he looks at me.
"What's your relationship with John? Are you guys lovers?" The doctor asks looking straight at me and I look at him like he Is crazy.
"No, I literally met him yesterday and we became friends I guess." Dadbert looks relieved at my answer and the doctor looks baffled.
"Does he have a crush on you or something because I have never heard of an amnesia patient remembering someone they had just met a few hours before the accident" dadbert stiffens and I roll my eyes and shrug.
"I don't know.... Oh wait yes I do john said he wasn't a homosexual so probably not." Dadbert looks relieved again and the doctor finally looks at him.
"Do you have a problem with homosexuals mr.egbert?" He asks seriously and dadbert jumps.
"Heavens no, I could careless about what some other person is attracted to and not attracted to, I just have a problem with my son dating. He is to young." Dadbert shakes his head and looks at John who has no idea what is going on in the slightest.
"I-hum.... What... What happened?" John asks uncertain. We all look at him and he stiffens.
"Oh well young man, you were assaulted by another fellow named Kyle and you almost died." The doctor answers not sugarcoating it in the slightest.
"I.... Almost died?" John squeaks in bewilderment. John looked at me and then he looked down quickly hiding his blush. I tilt my head at him and then the doctor looks like he just had just solved the hardest equation in the world or something.
"Oh I see he does have a crush on you. That makes sense." I bring my attention back to the doctor and answer him defensively.
"How could john have a crush on me? He just met me." The doctor shakes his head.
"I believe it is called, love at first sight" he says looking directly at me, I roll my eyes and mutter under my breath.
"More like lust on first night." The doctor pretends he didn't hear what I said.
"What was that?" I look up at him and blink.
"Oh uh... Whatever John isn't THAT narrow minded" I say shaking my head, John looks down looking disheartened but I don't notice as I'm looking at the doctor.
"Hmm okay... Well John how is your eye? Can you see? There was a cut on your bottom eyelid and it may have cut your eye as well but we don't know for sure unless you can still see as you always had." John looks around like he is trying got remember something.
"Well... I'm not BLIND at least.... Not exactly but I assume I wear glasses." The doctor nods and I hand him the glasses I had at some point acquired. "Thanks Dave." He puts them on and looks around again "I can see fine." He says. Now don't get me wrong emotions aren't that ironic but god this kid is adorable.
So this is all of my story so far. Please let me know if there are any mistakes or if (and how)I can improve sentences since I know I used 'I' a lot and I don't think those make my story look very pleasant nor do I think that makes my story all that fun to read. So also if this chapter gets like say.... 2 comments and 1 favorite I'll continue this fanfic okay? Also I prefer constructive criticism rather than just the regular old "you're shit. stop writing and slit your wrists" because that really isn't that constructive now is it? More like criticism like this I think "you could use a lot of improvement I suggest (insert suggestion here)" you get me? Because I'm trying to use criticism to get better and if I don't know what part of my writing is weak I can't exactly fix it can I? Anyways thank you for reading my fan fiction! I appreciate it. - elbigpoppy

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