Chapter 5

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Wow that last story reached its goal super fast!!! I didn't even notice! Good thing I have no life and am constantly re-reading my previous chapters otherwise I never would have known that my story reached its goal! I'm so happy that people are actually reading this though. The next goal for this story is gonna be 3 comments and 3 votes. It'll probably stay at 3 votes for a while though since only a few people are reading this. It's fine though as long as people are actually reading it lol. Also be very very careful my lovelies, this chapter has John being sexually assaulted... Or is it raped? Idk he doesn't lose his virginity or anything but like oral??? I think it's sexually assaulted...
*John POV*
I hear voices and I slowly open my eyes and look around confused. I was in my room and Dave and Dad were arguing about something... When did I get back to my room? What happened...
"People don't just faint Strider! Now tell me what you did or I'll be calling the police and pressing charges!"
"Charges? What the heck we were just walking!"
     "LIAR! Why was my son out of school then huh??? He never skips!"
     "K listen dude, when I found John he was already skipping so what did you want me to do? Leave him there all miserable when that dude who almost killed him could be anywhere at that school?"
     "No of course not I just don't think you should have taken him out of school in the first place!" I look between the bickering pair confused as to what was going on.
     "Hum... Dave? Dad? Why are you yelling at each other?" I ask causing the two whip there heads around to look at me.
    "Oh John! You're awake dude! Welcome back to the realm of the living." Dave smiles at me and Dad sends him a death glare.
     "John! What happened?? What did this fiend do to you?!?" My dad growls and rushes over to my side.
     "N-nothing! We were just walking around and I got really dizzy... I have been feeling dizzy ever since I got out of the hospital" I sort of lie but not really. My dad narrows his eyes at me but doesn't say anything.
     "I suppose we could take you back to the doctor again... Just for a check-up to make sure anything isn't wrong..." Dad trails off lost in thought and leaves the room, presumably to go schedule me a doctors appointment.
     "So do you like need anything Egbert? Some water or something? You have been out for like 6 hours so I don't know..." Dave shrugs and I jump.
     "Six hours???!!! You guys were bickering like that for six hours?!?!" Dave shakes his head and chuckles.
     "No dude of course not! I just couldn't find your house and I didn't have any reception to use google maps" I visibly relax and Dave sits down on the bed near me.
     "So do you like remember what happened before or what?" He asks and I blush.
     "Are you like okay with what I did or was that like 'I was delirious cause I was about to pass out' consent?"
     "Y-yeah" I could feel my face heat up even more. I bit my lip and looked down, embarrassed. I could feel Daves' gaze on me and my face heats up even more. Dave moves closer to me and wraps an arm around me lightly. I stiffen but nuzzle into his embrace as he squeezes me lightly.
"Do you wanna talk about what was bothering you earlier now?" He asks softly. I nod uncertainly.
"Uhm... Well... In the principals office... I... I remembered something... Kyle... I think... He... He told me something..." I take a shaky breath and start to tremble. Dave brings me closer to his chest and I continue "I can't remember what it was..."
     "Maybe Jade knows?" Dave offers shrugging. He takes out his phone and sends Jade a message. She responds almost instantly since she was worried about where we were. Of course she insisted we video call her... And she was in the girls bathroom so she wouldn't get busted... And that was awkward.
"OH MY GOSH JOHN JOHN JOHN!!!!! Are you okay???? I was so worried cause you and Dave didn't show up in class or at lunch." She shouts of course.
"Yeah I'm fine Jade... Please don't shout... me and Dave... Uh..." I scream internally as I try to think of something to say.
"I found him in the hallway and we went for a little walk is all it was no big deal. Until John fainted that is... But like he's fine now so it's whatever I guess" Dave steps in and saves me and Jade pauses before choosing her response.
"So like what does John need help remembering that I might be able to help with?" Jade asks.
"Hum well I think k-Kyle... Had told me something a while ago? I don't know I can't seem to remember what had happened it... I can only remember something happened not what he said..." I try to force myself to remember but to no avail.
"Oh yeah dude Kyle totally told you he liked you but you turned him down and said you 'aren't a homosexual'" Jade answers casually and I look at her on the screen and then freeze as I finally remember what went down... I feel my body start to shake and I grab my head in my hands and curl into to a ball.
"I-I-I-I-I-I remember.... Oh god I remember.... No.... No... NO NO NO NO NO!" I start to scream and tears start to stream down my face. Dave and Jade both sound concerned but I can't hear what they are saying. I feel Dave grab me and shake me lightly but I only focus on the memory... The horrible memory....
"John you're such a fucking tease. You skanky little whore be mine." Kyle growls as he pins me against the wall. It's after school and I received a note to meet someone by the side of the school or else. Of course me being the wimpy pre-pubescent teen that I am I couldn't afford not to do as the note said. However I was never expecting the events that unfolded before me.  Kyle forces his knee between my legs and I whimper.
     "Wh-what?? Please just let me go Kyle I didn't do anything stop joking around. This isn't funny!" I try to shove Kyle away, my eyes shining with fear. He shakes his head.
     "Hell no. Just fucking go out with me you faggot." He tries to kiss me but I turn my face away and shoved him back as hard as I can. He barely even budges and starts to knead my crotch with his knee, growling when he realizes he isn't getting the reaction he wants. "Fucking damn it egderp." He shoved his hand up my shirt and messes around with my nipples clumsily. I squeeze my eyes shut and start to hyperventilate as I feel his lips attack my neck.
     "Stop it let me go!" I scream and tears fill my eyes. He quickly covers my mouth and throws me to the floor stepping back. I fight to control my breathing and he starts to undo his pants. I try to get up to run but he places his foot firmly on my back and shoves me back down. I whimper and still don't open my eyes. I feel his foot leave my back and I immediately try to run away again but before I could get up he grabs me by the hair and pulls me up to my knees and I feel something rub against my face. "Just let me go please!" I start to cry and I hear and Kyle laugh.
"Damn that's hot... Fucking open your mouth egderp." Kyle's voice takes on a commanding tone and I frantically shake my head. Suddenly a fist connects with my face and I gasp my eyes shooting open Kyle's hard penis is out and my cheek is sore from where he hit me. I start to panic even more and I frantically start to struggle to get away from him "yeah keep struggling" Kyle starts to rub my face against his penis and shove away from him. He grabs my arms behind my back with his other hand and he pulls them back really hard, causing me to scream out in pain, while I screamed he shoved his penis in my mouth and I choke as he shoves his thingy down my throat. I whimper and feel the tears come down faster and he starts to thrust into my mouth. I can't breathe... "John" I can't breathe. "John" I can't breathe-
     "JOHN!" Dave is shouting at me and shaking me. I squeeze my eyes shut and throw myself into Dave, hugging him tightly and bury in my face in his chest. "John what happened? What did you remember?" He asks softly and I quickly shake my head and he sighs, softly petting my head to comfort me. "Alright that's fine if you don't want to talk about it but you'll have eventually cause it'll eat you up if you aren't careful." I nod and I feel my exhaustion catch up with me,which is weird cause wasn't I asleep for 6 hours already? I don't know but I'm really sleepy now and that's what matters. I drift away to sleep in Daves arms.
This took a super long time to write but it doesn't matter cause some one took back their vote so I have buckets of time to write this now. But now it's done and I gotta wait again... Can anyone give me any suggestions on why my story isn't getting that much recognition? Is it badly written? I'm sorry if people don't like my writing style if that's the case. Any suggestions for improvement? Also I don't think it'll ever reach 3 votes so imma just post this now. Lol bye guys! Don't forget to comment and vote plox~

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