Everybody Tie Your Shoes! Clap! Clap!

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Kat and I sat at the table the following weeks later, she had a peice of toast with strawberry jam and a cup of coffee. I felt bad because she's told me everything there is to know about her, I mean the really deep stuff and I haven't told her what I used to do. She's more comitted into this relationship than I am. And that makes me sick. She's told me of all the horrible things her dad did to her and what she goes through every day. It turns my stomach to know such a talented child is being abused and neglected. That affected my mood, I was angry not at them but at myself for keeping this deep dark secret. I slouched over my cup of coffee and loosely stirred it as I waited for her to be done. I saw her look at me.

"What's wrong?" She asked in a soft mothering tone. I sighed and kept my gaze at the ever swirling caffiene in the cup that I used every other day.

"You don't know all about me do you?" I asked curiously. Kat looked at me and nodded with a serious expression on her face. I shook my head. 

"Do you really know all about me and my past?" I asked again. Kat narrowed her hazel eyes and made a face at me. We were quiet for a little while. 

"I know you battled with drugs and alcohol a little bit but that's it." She said the two things I dread her to know. Wait she knew? I sat up straight and looked at her.

"You know about that?" I questioned her. I was just as confused about this than I am about how some one can hurt her. She smiled and stood up from her chair, letting the purple night dress fall. It barely covered any thing since it was a bit see through and it ended like an inch or two past her hips. Kat's hair was slightly puffy but other than that it was nice. She came over to my side and bent down.

"I read Kerrang." She said sullenly with a smile. Her lips met mine quickly and I watched as she put her dishes in the sink and went skipping through the hall to our bedroom. Huh. She reads Kerrang. Who would've thought. I smiled at how accepting she is. Open mind dude. It's odd how happy she is all the time but then she'll be in these slumps. She and Sarah talk all the time. Oh speaking of; apparently Bandit is treating Sarah like she did LynZ. It's amazing how well they get along. And she treats Kat like a best friend. To think she's gonna be three. And then the twins, I get costody of them. Jamia says they remind her of me and she can't deal. So the twins are coming home some time this after noo. Kat's really excited to meet them. She had their room all set up with a few new toys. She goes from two different things. She's excited to meet the twins and she knows their going to be the best of friends and then she'll be worried if they don't like her and if they hate her. I know for a fact Cherry and Lily will love her. They both love meeting new friends. Kat came skipping back down the hall way in a pair of jeans and a beatles tee shirt with a vest over top. Her hair was brushed and neatly in place but yet it was messy and out there. I smiled at her because she was wearing her glasses, they're cool glasses. I couldn't help but smile at her and hug her small body. She was almost the same height as me. She's 4'10" and I'm 5'4". So only like half a foot inbetween us. Not bad considering she's . . .Never mind. We both went off to do our own things, I think Kat is up stairs writing on her Wattpad and I'm down here making sure things are clean and tidy. I don't know why I'm so nervous, they're my kids. I looked out the front window and saw a car come up the drive. I felt an excitment in my stomach. I made my way to the front room; when Kat came skipping down the stairs. She wore an excited and nervous expression.

"They're here!" She cheered nervously. I nodded and smiled as I heard their squeals.

"What if they don't like me?" She asked one last time. I looked at her and smiled.

"They'll love you." I announced something that is true. She didn't have time to protest when the twins came bolting through the front door and suealed when they saw me. They maybe only three but they like to talk in their own language. So understanding them maybe a bit difficult. Especially if they're both too excited to pronounce the words. But hey they seem to be happy. Cherry was the loudest and Lily was just to excited to even talk properly. But when their attentions were turned to Kat they silenced. They looked from me to Kat to back to me. Cherry was the forward one of the two. Lily was more polite and shy.

"Daddy who's that?" Cherry asked. I crept down to their height and smiled. Lily kept her gaze on Kat while Cherry looked at me.

"That's daddy's new girlfriend Kat." I introduced. The twins looked at eachother and almost communicated with their minds before they squealed again and attacked Kat for hugs. See I knew they were going to get along just perfectly. Before I knew it, the twins had dragged Kat off to go and play tea party. I smiled and chuckled slightly as I entered their room to see Kat sitting at the little table wearng a fancy hat and a bright pink boa. She sipped the imaginary tea and smiled at me. Something was different with her and I am going to find out what.

You're My Poison, Mr Frank A Iero.  Kat/Frank Love Story.Where stories live. Discover now