Bus Rides Are Fun When You're Kat And Sarah.

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I finally was able to leave the hospital but I'm staying with Sarah and Gerard. I feel like I'm intruding but both of them said that it was no problem. Anyways Sarah and I decided that we needed a day out. But we didn't want to drive so we toke the bus. We left at about ten in the morning and hopped the bus to the mall and we shopped for a little while. Sarah and I went to lunch at a small cafe. I had tea while she had coffee. I had the usual a muffin. I love muffins. Sarah sat across from me with her foam cup of coffee. She smiled at me happily as we sat in that small cafe. I haven't told her anything yet. Not even Gee knows about the little situtation we have here. I was smiling so wide at the great news. Sarah set her coffee down and examined my face with narrowed eyes and confused eye brows.

"Something is new with you." Sarah said in a flat voice. I smiled and glowed at her. My face heated up slightly. I nodded at her happily.I felt a smile pull my lips back as a giggled heavily. She guessed a few things but they weren't right. I shook my head at her answers. She was getting further and further away with every guess. I couldn't stop laughing, my stomach was starting to hurt and my lungs squeezed shut. Finally I sobbered and watched Sarah think.

"Give up?" I asked curiously. Sarah scowled slightly and nodded.

"Yeah, I give up." Sarah muttered in an ungrateful tone. I smiled at her and blushed.

"Frankie and I are having another boy." I announced happily. Sarah's jaw dropped and her eyes widened. She went into the blank stare and surprised expression. I waited for her to comprehend this new found imformation. She smiled at me and blushed alot.

"Kitty, you are having another one?" Sarah asked curiously. I nodded in rassurance. She smiled even wider at me. I watched as she went on a Godmother spree. It's like she's asking so many questions her mouth is going at light speed. It made my ears ache slightly. She went on about what we're gonna be naming him and if we're bapistizing him. Why would we be baptizing him? Just because I was baptized and Frank is Catholic. She was all excited for me. I made her promise not to tell Gerard, not yet. Frank's gonna tell'im. Sarah and I finished our lunch and headed for the bus station to wait for the bus. It was a warm for late March. I was out in a pair of jeans, a tee shirt and an unzipped hoodie. Sarah wore the same only she wore a nicer tee shirt than I did. My hair was down like it usually is and Sarah wore hers up since this afternoon she's taking Bandit and Declan horse back riding. I pranced around slightly as we waited in the warm sun. It was nice but I didn't really like the heat. I was already feeling sick and having weird food cravings. Finally the bus came and Sarah and I paid for our tickets and toke a seat. The bus was really warm and there was a man sitting behind us. He was real shady but not too bad. 

"So what do you think of that bull shit they wrote about Frank in a magazine?" Sarah asked. I shook my head at this new found knowledge. Sarah reached down into her bag and pulled out a magazine, she handed it to me.

"Page 56." She directed. I flipped over to that page and gasped as a picture of me all beaten up and Frank beside me. Damn he looked good. We were outisde having a cigarette; before I knew I was pregnant. I'm dumb but I'm not stupid. It's headlinning was 'Iero is No Hero.' That my dear is bull to the shit. I frowned at I began to read the article.

'Frank Iero, father of five and husband to Katrina Scott was spotted with long time girlfriend and exwife Jamia Nester outside a coffee shop a few days before his wife was kidnapped and beaten. He was also spotted with Jamia at their twin girls' Nanny's house talking for several minutes before Jamia made a move on Mr Iero. Frank is not the only guilty one, Mrs Iero was spotted with another man on several accounts. They went to coffee and to lunch. Who is this mystery man? Mrs and Mr Iero are putting their children's futures on the line here. Mr and Mrs Iero were interviewed recently by our magazine. Apparently they know eachother really well and they are in love. They quoted that they're nothing like twilight, they're love is much more. Recently Katrina was in a bad state, she was kidnapped, beaten and raped. She was impailed and left for dead in a burning house. Where was her husband? He was snoozing, and at the bar having a few drinks instead of looking for his wife. Frank admitted to his wife, Katrina that he still loved his exwife but he loves her too. Only problem. Katrina is almost ten years younger. I can smell another divorce in the air.'

This article made my stomach turn. It wasn't right. I shook my head and gave Sarah back the magazine. I didn't want to talk about it anymore. That pushed me to the limit. Frank chose me. He wants to be with me and not Jamia. He loves me and not her. All these thoughts were being crammed into my head all at once it made me angry and sad. And the guy sitting behind us was not helping by faking an orgasim. He was getting it all wrong. I looked at Sarah and giggled, she was beet red and she was trying to contain her laughter. Our stop came and Sarah led the way as we both were snickering and blushed. I was about to step off but I looked at the guy and smiled.

"Dude, if you're gonna fake masterbation then at least get it right. You have to scream OH BABY at the end." I called to him and jumped off the bus. Sarah was full out laughing as we walked the three blocks to her house. Oh god I don't think I've laughed so hard since I went to that party and got so smashed my friend had to lock us in the house. That was a good three days. 

You're My Poison, Mr Frank A Iero.  Kat/Frank Love Story.Where stories live. Discover now