Birth of your second child

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"Y/n, you have done this before, don't worry okay, you're doing great," Ashton was on the same level as me. I was screaming and crying out of pain. I was giving birth to our second child.
"Hiiii," Ashton's mother came in with smiles. "Don't worry Ellie is waiting with Lauren in the waiting room." I thank her and then a contraction hit.
"AHHHHHH FUCK," Ashton grabbed my hand. Ashton's mother took it as her cue to stand back.
Soon the doctor came in with a calm face. "Okay so how are we doing Mrs. Irwin?"
"A lot of pain," I breathed out.
"On a scale of 1 to 10, which number is it?"
"An 11!"
"Okay well I'm going to check how dilated you are," she went in between my legs."I have great news Mrs. Irwin you're 9 centimeters." I was happy to hear this would end soon.
Soon nurses and doctors were running around getting ready. Along with Ashton's mother, my mother came in. "OKAY! Y/n you're going to push on 3," I nodded and pushed my head into the hospital pillow. "1...........2............3." I pushed the hardest I could. I could feel my face getting red.
"YOU'RE DOING IT," Ashton moved his spot from next to me to where he could see his baby coming out."I LOVE YOU SO MUCH," he pressed a kiss to my sweaty forehead.
"AGAIN 1......2......3!" her voice was stern. I pushed again and again. After more screams and pushig my baby girl was lying on chest and getting use to the world.
Ashton was was overjoyed at this point, " I love you so much Y/n," he pressed a kiss to my lips and gently stroked her red cheek. The nurse soon came and took her away to get clean. She came back with a pink bundle of joy with a hospital beanie on.
She handed me her first." Ashton she has your nose," he came over and looked at her.
"She does." He boop her nose and wailed her arms in the air.
I hadn't notice Ashton's mother leave until she came back in with Ellie holding her hand with her thumb in her mouth," Ellie, come meet your sister," I said to her. She came over and Ashton lifted her onto the bed so she could see her sister better.
Ellie starred at her for a moment before asking, "Why does she look so weird?"
Me and Ashton were a bit taken back by that," Ellie shes a newborn so she was a born a while ago," she nodded.
"Whats her name?" My mother asked. Me and Ashton had many conversations about this
"Lea," I said," Lea Irwin."

  Luke was running wild while I stood in the hallway waiting for him. "Luke can you please hurry up, you're lucky my water hasn't broke yet," Liz was over watching Grace since I started to get contractions at 5 am and I didn't want to disturb her since she had Luke's trait of being cranky when awoken from a deep slumber.
"Thanks Liz for doing this," I said and then a contraction hit. "Jesus Christ," I moaned out.
"Luke get your wife to the hospital!" Luke then came in with a bag in hand and the car keys in the other one.
"I'm here and thanks mom for watching Grace," he said.
"No problem. I can't wait to see my new grand baby," she had a smile of excitement.
Within the 7 hours we had a beautiful baby boy to show off. Luke was holding him and pressing kisses to him. " I love you so much," he said to the baby who face almost look smooshed together.
"Hiii," the whole Hemmings family came in with balloons with teddy bears in hand. Grace came running towards me and I opened my arms to her and she jumped onto the bed and hugged me tight.
"You weren't here this morning mommy," she said. While I was explaining why I was gone, everyone was gushing over Finn. The newest member of the family.
"He has your chin Luke," his father said studying the baby's face.
"I pray that he doesn't end up like you," Jack joked.
"Well he may not end up like me but he will never be like you," Luke said right back at him.
Right when Jack was going fire back Finn erupted with cries. "Can I have my baby so I can feed him," I extended my arms outward for him. Luke placed the baby in my arms I grabbed the blanket closest to me and put it over me to feed him. The minute I was done feeding him he was taken from my arms and passed around all the members of the family. When I was done I handed Finn to Liz. I cuddled her close into my side and pressed a kiss to the top of her head. Luke notice this and pulled her in for a deep hug.

"Nathan will you please stop running around." I ordered as I laid in the hospital bed. Calum was out to get me ice chips and I was in pain and I had to deal with a hyper 6 year old.
"Mommy! Mommy! Look at me," I looked at him when another contraction hit.
"Fuck!" I said.
"Mommy thats not a nice word," he said. I apologized and he continue with showing me something," Look! Look at what I'm doing!" Nathan began to jump and down. I gave him a weak smile.
Thats was when Calum and his parents walked in. "Hi Y/n. Looks who here," Calum said and Joy gave and exiting smile.
"Yay! Calum can you please take care of Nathan," I said in a low voice as the Nathan then began to show his grandparents his jumping.
"Yeah, anything you need," he said putting the ice chips down. "Hey mom can you watch Nathan," he askes and she nodded. I thanked her as the doctor walked and in and another contraction hit.
"It might be time to have a baby," she looked int between my legs," And it is time!"
"Finally!" Calum stood next to me with my hand tight around his. Calum was smiling as he couldn't wait to see his new baby girl.
Within 20 minutes Calum had a baby in his arms. "Hello Violet, I love you so much," he said and she yawned. Thats when Nathan came in with his grandparents and my parents as well. "Calum came over to Nathan's level and showed him new sister. "Nathan this is your baby sister Violet," Nathan starred at the baby and tried to wrapped his head around the fact that he was not going to have all the attention he normally has.
"Oh Y/n shes beautiful," Joy said.
Calum passed her around to everyone as gashed over her. "Are you okay," Calum walked over to me.
"Yeah but I'm really sore." Nathan got bored with new baby sister and came over to his parents.
"Mommy, do we have to take her home," he whined.
"Yes Nathan we do have take her home shes your sister." Nathan looked down with disappointment.
Calum took notice to this," Hey Nathan you want to know something, you're going to have protect and be the big strong brother," Nathan was excited for the idea.
"I will the best big brother there is," he said running over to his sister.

Michael was happy to see new baby girl coming his way in a pink blanket. "Okay lets meet your daddy," the nurse said as she handed her to him. Anna was unfamiliar with his arms and cried.
"Shhhh I'm right here and I love you," he peppered her face with kisses. Her cries soften with each kiss.My eyes began to drop as it was 3 am.
I awoke to a shook," Y/n shes hungry," he said. I took her in my arms and lowered my gown and feed her.
"Hiii- oops sorry," Michael's parents came in and then turned around.
"Its fine," Michael handed me a blanket and I covered myself up. Then my parents came with a teddy bear and Kaiden.
"DADDY!" Kaiden shrieked running over to him. Michael scoop him up in his arms and kissed his cheek.
I was done feeding Anna and held her. " May I hold her, " my mother asked. I handed her and she began to sway back forth as she rocked her.
"Can I have her," Michael's mother said. My mother nodded and handed Anna over to her.
"Mommy can we go home," I scooted over on the bed and Kaiden jump right on.
"Not right now sweetie," I said pressing a kiss to his cheek. I looked over to Michael who stood with Anna in his arms and both our mother correcting him on how to hold her.
"Support the head Michael," my mother said. His hands went to her head.
"Support her feet," his mother said.
"Okay its been a while since I held a baby," he said in his defense.
I wrapped my arms around Kaiden and pulled him into my chest," I remember the day you were born, you came during the middle of the night and your daddy was so happy to see you."
"But I would have been sleeping," he said.
I laughed at him, "I love you sweetie and now you're a big brother and how has a big brother not held his sister?" I made a gesture to Michael that said come here and give your son the baby. Kaiden open his arms for and I sat behind him and made sure he had a good grip around her. He then leaned down on her chubby cheek and gave her a kiss.
"Awwwwwww," said everyone in the room.

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