He finds out you sing (Luke)

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"Hey lovebirds! We've gotta go do soundcheck!" Michael yelled at you and Luke, throwing a banana at your general direction. Luke groaned from beneath you, you sitting up and letting him roll out from under you. You had been on tour with your boyfriend and his band for a week, and loved it. The cuddling before soundchecks were always a plus as well, like right now for instance.
"I don't wanna go," Luke whined, standing up while holding your hands.
"I know," you pouted back. "But you can come back and we'll cuddle some more before you have to go on."
Luke seemed content with your answer, pressing his lips to your's quickly and running out of the dressing room, already later than the others.
This was the only part you didn't like about touring. The in-between time. When you're with Luke, it flies, but moments by yourself leave you frustrated and bored. Your eyes traveled across the room and rested on the old, beat-up guitar that the boys always brought with them, which Calum had played earlier. It had been ages since you had played, but the opportunity was too tempting to pass up.
Picking up the guitar, you started to lightly play different chords, moving your fingers about and feeling the dull ache come back to your fingertips from pressing on the strings. After getting that down, you started softly singing, something that you used to do all the time. The different songs quickly blended together, you going through every one you remembered and looking up chords for others on your phone. You were having a blast, just singing and playing guitar for the first time in years.
"Why didn't you tell me you played like that?"
Luke's voice shocked you as he walked in, the others following and clapping. You blushed slightly, not being one to like the attention like them.
"I don't know," you shrugged. "It's been awhile. I didn't even think I'd remember."
"You guys should sing something together!" Ashton suggested, walking to the fridge and opening a water bottle. "Your voices would blend nice I bet."
You started to shake your head, but the pleading look on Luke's face stopped you. Rolling your eyes, you picked the guitar back up, incredibly aware of the fact that Luke was a much better player than you.
"What song should we do? What ones do you know?" Luke asked, looking extremely excited. Why was he so damn excited?
"Do one of our's!" Calum laughed from across the room. "Do Beside You. That's, like, such a good couple song."
"You only say that cause you wrote it," Michael scoffed.
"Exactly. Everything I write is amazing," Calum sassed back, making you laugh. You started playing the song, and Luke started singing, encouraging you to as well. At first you didn't sing, but he nudged your side, and suddenly your voice was harmonizing with his. And it sounded amazing, and felt amazing. He was such a good singer, and your voices together were like a perfectly balanced song, complimenting each other in all the right ways. Sure, it was a little cheesy to sing Beside You, but it felt nice, because, for once, you were beside each other, and you wouldn't want it any other way.

Creds - 5-seconds-of-mischief

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