Cutie Pie

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He was different than everyone else I could see at this school. He had a soft looking confidence. He was tall. His eyes were a striking blue. His hair was minty green. Silver piercings reflected light off his ears. His clothes weren't your average teenager's clothes. He was a mystery I wanted to unravel.

When he took a seat next to me in first period. I couldn't help but think it was fate. I also couldn't help but stare at him. He was intriguing. Staring at him sparked our first conversation.

"Oi, what the hell? Stop staring. I'm not a ghost or something," He snapped at me midway through the period.

I smiled.

"No, you're not a ghost. Just really nice to look at," I replied, turning my gaze to the board where the teacher was explaining something while drawing complicated diagrams. I didn't worry about it, I was confident in my academic abilities. Not paying attention for one class would be fine, especially on the first day of school.

He didn't reply after that, but his face turned as pink as the candy floss coloured shirt he was wearing.

I never imagined meeting a pastel coloured boy.

"What's your schedule?" I asked when we were given time to complete an assignment. He pulled out a wrinkled and torn paper from his book bag and slapped it down onto my desk. I pulled out mine to compare.

"First period and fourth period together," I told him with a small grin. He nodded, taking his schedule back. I wasn't expecting him to be so cold and quiet. He looked so warm on the outside. The bell eventually rang and my heart sank slightly, wanting to try and talk to the boy more. I ran off to my next class nonetheless.

Lunch came and I saw him again. It wasn't hard to find him. You could follow the stares of others to find the pastel boy who looked so out of place in a sea of blacks and greys. I followed his mop of green hair through the crowd of students until I lost sight of him because he walked out the door of the cafeteria. I was tempted to follow him, but if I caught up, what would I say?

By the way, you're interesting. Let me eat with you.

No way.

Hey, you're really different than everyone else let me stare at you because I like the way you look.

I decided to stay and eat with my friends since I didn't really talk to them much over the summer. Two of them, Rob and Preston, sat extremely close to each other and kept sharing shy sideways glances. I guessed something happened over the two month long break. I couldn't be bothered to care much about what everyone was saying. My head was lost in pink and green clouds.

Fourth period came quicker than expected and I sprinted to class so I would get first pick at all the seats. I took the back corner. Students started to pour in. My eyes stayed glued to the door to watch for him. When he came in, everyone's heads turned to watch him. I felt bad that they were staring, but I was too. There were plenty of seats open.

He sat next to me.

I felt sort of smug.

"Hey," I mumbled, glancing at him.

"Leave me alone."

I held back a smile. It felt like he was just putting on a show because there was a light blush on his pale cheeks and every few moments he would sneak a look at me.

"I'm Vikk," I introduced myself, in case he didn't know already.

"Wow, that's really cool," He said sarcastically. I laughed, feeling giddy.

"What's your name?"

"Fuck off."

"That's a strange name," I laughed again, trying to be cheeky. He groaned and started to ignore me. His personality was such a contrast to his appearance.

Cutie PieWhere stories live. Discover now