Prodigy imagine 3

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You have a boyfriend named Chris and he started beating on you. Your best friend Craig doesn't know that and you plan on not telling him that until it gets out of hand. You were not at home with Chris and you did another thing to piss him off and now your going to pay for it as he said. Chris : I told you to have the house clean before I got back Y/N :I'm sor ( he slaps you before you can finish your sentence.). Chris : say sorry to that now I have to go do something by the time I come back you better have this house spotless. You go put on make-up to cover the bruise he gave you. When you start cleaning Craig has a surprise visit to your house. ( Ding-Dong). Y/N : I wonder who that could be You open the door and your surprised to see Craig. Craig: hey best friend Y/N : hey Craig. Craig: what happen to your eye. Y/N : what ( you run to the bathroom and you see your make up came off so you put some more on your eye ). Craig : Y/N was it Chris. Y/N : No I feel and I bumped my head. Craig : Ok. You guys talk and you release that you didn't clean anything. Y/N : Craig you have to. Chris : Y/N I'm home. Y/N what the hell is he doing here. Y/N : he was just about to leav. Before you could finish he punched you right in your face. Craig : what the hell dude . You don't put your hands a women. Chris : I can do what the hell I want to do to my women .

Craig : not while I'm around. Chris : and what are you going to do. Next thing you know Craig and Chris are on the floor tussling. Y/N : guess stop Next thing you know you here glass break and you see a knocked out Chris on the floor. Craig : get your stuff your staying with me. You don't think twice before gong up the stairs and packing a bag. You leave with Craig and you never hear from Chris again. A/N I don't know if I should make a part two if you think so leave a comment .

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