Ch. 1

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BEFORE YOU READ:Yay my first x reader!Yeah, you fall in love with Mephiles.Deal with it.Anyway there are some things you should probably know first.Also note I'm trying my best here.I will choose some things for you but only a few.The rest you decide yourself.I am doing that for a reason.You'll understand later or as you read.It will make sense.Also remember this is in no way supposed to be prejudice or offensive in any way.WARNING:There will be some swearing, blood, violence/abuse, and thoughts of suicide...Just keep that in mind....)
(Human form)
Your Name: Y/N
Last name: L/N
Eye color: e/c
Hair color: black (again not supposed to be prejudice)
Clothing/looks: black hoodie, shorts, Grey tennis shoes, black fingerless gloves, black eyeshadow (this is not supposed to be offensive to you...)
Age: 14
I hope I didn't miss anything but I'm sure you're bored of reading this so without further ado...let's get on with the story! :) ]

Ch. 1

I am going to kill them!I will kill them all!I will destroy every single last one of them, those vey words echoed in his mind a thousand times over.No creature could ever feel the amount of hate and anger that fed his lust for revenge.He was once the strongest and greatest.No one alive matched his amount of power alone.Even with the chaos emeralds they were simple mortals to him.In fact that was exactly true. He was once a powerful god.They trembled before his might.Fire and destruction....powerful as ever....Solaris...once..long ago..
Now he is reduced to a simple mere being.A half of who he used to be.Literally.His other half, he could rejoin to become whole again, now erased completely from the timeline.It was no longer possible to become whole again.Iblis was destroyed, its flames put out.All that remained now was him.Iblis was his form, his power, he its mind.And now he was weak.Very weak.He hated the feeling.Possibly even more so than the very soul who damned him to this cruel fate.Although they could remember very little, they still knew who he was.But they though he was long gone.Oh how wrong they were.And they would pay.
For he was Mephiles....

Mephiles...the dark.......

And he would have his revenge...

One way or another....

My Dark Tragedy (Mephiles X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now