Club Paradise

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(Kiona POV)

I feel bad for Jay she basically has to choose between the be4 one kills the other anyway I'm searching for what to wear for school and what to wear when I met Jay's mom she my best friend why wouldn't she invite me mhm maybe I'll just call and see what she's wearing I grab my phone after 2 rings she picked up

"Hayy Ki"

"Hayyy what are you wearing I'm stock" j ask

"Well for school not going I'm afraid second remember that matching outfit we go for summer the one with that double layered shirt "she says

"Oh yeah I'm wear mine"

"Good and you know that police ceremony is next Friday"

"Looks like were going shopping" i says

"I got a delivery to take. care of cause first he said he needs more time and his time is up" she says

"Mhm k we'll meet by your house" I say

"Gotcha holla" she says I put on pink and white outfit we always wear that on a delivery I walks downstairs and out the door since I only live 3 mansions down from her LMAO rich ppl talk

(A"N Kiona is like my bestfriend well her and Italy but Italy is really my besty Markeisha so yeah and y'all go see more of them must def so whatever they say is how they would say it in real life )

I ring the doorbell so this the maid Jay was talmin bout

"Hi I'm Kiona Jays bestfriend"


"Oh she's in her room" she says

"Thank you" I say and walk in her room she was in her closet looking for something "Wassup" I say

"Hayyy girl I just texted them looks like we are all skipping school" she says

"True I sit on her bed

"Mhm" she says

"What" I say laughing

"I'll talk to you bout it when the rest gets here"

"Ight with me"I say I go to her desk and put on the make up

(Jay"s POV)

I've been thinking who do I love Jovante or Maurice Jovante he didn't have to shower me with gifts and presents to feel like a princess his kisses, touch, looks, smile, the way he's able to read my mind, his ability

to know when I'm down &... OMG I'm in love with Jovante Crippen my bestfriend, ROD, Neva end & a lot more

(Paris POV)

This bitch

"Janita" I yell again she looks back

We been calling you for 7 minutes" Italy says

"Sorry no time to waste" she says hoping down

"Everyone strapped" Jasmine says

"Yup" I say

"Let's go" we walk out and leave the house we see one of the drivers we hop in he drives us to where we need to go Italy goes first she asks him where the money is he doesn't pay well he's going to really pay if you know what I mean

"What do you want girl scout cookies" the man says to Italy

No I want the money you owe" Italy says

"Mhm naw aren't you too young to see drugs anyway" he says trying to close the door Italy punches him we all jumped out and attack his Jay pulls out her gun

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