Chapter 7

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{Belle's pov}

Once I heard that Killian was getting a ring from here to propose to Emma I grabbed the box that the ring was in and handed it to Killian. "Here. No deal." I said
"Thanks." Is all he said then he walked out. Once he left I turned to Rumple.
"You going to charge him for that." He Started to say something but I cut him off. "No. I don't want to hear it. For now on when people come to the shop you will charge them for money not deals. Understand me."
"Yes, Belle."

{Emma's Pov}
7:30 pm

It was 7:30 pm. Shot I need to get ready. I picked out a red dress that stopped above my knees. Some black flats and I put my hair up in a messy bun. I made my makeup look as natural as possible. Once I was done I went to get opinions. Once I got my moms and dads attention I spun in a circle.

{snows pov}

I was cooking dinner when I heard Emma clearing her throat. David and I spun around to see her, and as soon as we did she spun around. "So what do you think."
"Wow!" I say amazed.
"What you're mother said.

{Emma's pov}

"So what do you think." I asked my mom and dad once I got their attention.
"Wow." My mom said
"What your mother said."
"Thanks." Then I heard someone knocking on the door.

{Killian's pov}

As soon as I knocked I heard Emma yelled "coming." Once she opened the door my mouth dropped to the floor.
"What?" She asks.
"You look stunning swan."
"You look..."
"I know."
"Where are we going?" She asks me as soon as she step out.
"And ruin all the fun nah.@

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