Chapter 8

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Still Killians pov

I took Emma to a pickinic by the docks.
After we ate and talked I stood up and pulled her up with me.
"Emma Swan, you are the must beautiful women I have ever laid eyes on. I had some many wonderful times with you. And would you do the honors of becoming Mrs. Jones."

{Emma's pov}

Killian took me to the docks. He had a pickinic set up there. I was so sweet and romantic. We ate and talked god hours then he stood up and pulled me with him.
"Emma swan you are the must beautiful women I ever laid eyes on. I had so many good times with you. Will you do the honors of becoming Mrs. Jones?" I started tearing up.
"Yes." I done how got out. He picked me up and kissed me, I kissed back. "I love soon to be Emma Jones."
"I love you too." I said and kissed him again. He carried me home.
I just set my head on his shoulder. Once we got to my moms and dads house Killian put me down.
"Come on." I said. "We can tell my parents the news." I was so happy. He agreed so we walked in hand in hand.
"Mom dad?"
"We are right here." Oh my god I didn't see them in the couch.
"We have news."
"What is it sweetheart?" My mom asked.
"Killian and I are engaged."
"Yeah, we know." My dad said.
"Oh way to ruin the fun. Well I'm tired Killian and I will be in my room." "Wait, Killian is sleeping on the couch." My dad said. "You aren't married yet."
"Close enough. Let's go Killian. Good night." I pull Killian upstairs with me. He lays down first then me laying down on his chest. " I love you." I said. "I love you too." Killian says and I fall asleep with Killian playing with my hair.

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