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The cool night air lightly brushed Nny's face, making him close his eyes and breathe in. He was laying down on the dirt of his front lawn, feeling time pass by. He opened his eyes and saw the little stars winking at him from above. He heard trees rustle softly against the breeze, and felt himself slip into subconsciousness. He jolted awake and stayed laying on the grass. Then he stood up, yawning. He turned around and dragged his feet into his house

"You look tired, Nny." The small burger statue, named Reverend Meat, stated.

"Hmm." He groaned out, feeling sleep crawl into his voice.

"You best get some rest." Meat said.

Nny nodded in agreement. He felt like that today was the day to sleep. Nothing was going on. It was peaceful. And he actually didn't feel suicidal. He walked sluggishly towards his bedroom, his eyes closed shut. He jumped as he hit the door-frame with his shoulder, opening his eyes slightly. He slid by and entered his room, flopping on top of his bed. He then tore off his boots and turned over, facing the wall, and letting sleep take over his mind.


His eyes opened wide. He shot up in his bed, drenched in sweat, gasping and turning on his light. Nny wiped off his forehead, breathing in deeply. This was the third time he had...


He chuckled nervously. How ironic it is that the Homicidal Maniac had nightmares, considering his own actions don't terrify him, but what terrified him was...Devi...

His loneliness shadowed over him. He tried to shake it off and decided to go on a late night run, grabbing his boots and backpack full of devices.

He paused. Why was he in his room? Last time he remembered, he was at the 24/7, sipping on a cherry fizz wizz outside the store. And now he woke up here? He pondered on this for a while until coming to the conclusion that he was just delusional. He buckled up his boots, creating little metal clink sounds in the quiet house. He was finally ready to go, and headed for his front door.

"Where do you think you're going?" A voice spoke up as he reached for the doorknob. Nny turned slowly, staring at the burger statue menacingly.

"I'm going out." He said in an irritable voice.

"On a date?" The statue said hopefully, his smiling, drooling face never changing.

He sighed abruptly. "I don't have time for your 'preaching', Reverend Meat."

"Very well, but know this; whatever you do out there,just know that there are still some innocent people in the world."

Nny stared at the statue incredulously and finally blinked, pulling himself out of the weird trance.

He turned towards the door. "You keep on telling me that, and maybe I'll listen for once." He said sarcastically, not sounding very convincing. He slammed the door shut and walked under the night sky.

Nny strolled along the sidewalk, rubbing his backpack strap nervously. He didn't know what he was doing or what he wanted, but he just felt like going outside. He tried to shake out his thoughts on Reverend Meat's words, but found himself stopping in his tracks. He growled and walked on. He strolled into an alleyway not too far from his house, seeming that he always uses this to get to town. He saw a small gang of people having a party. He eyed them suspiciously before going on.

As he walked passed them, they quieted down, wondering what he was doing. The music awkwardly kept on going.

"Who is he?" Someone muttered.

He stopped walking. He turned around towards them. He saw that all of them were young teenagers.

Someone cleared their throat.

"Hey man. This place is restricted." a boy with piercings and baggy jeans spoke up.

Nny stared at them for a while, then looked down. He saw an empty beer bottle, right at his feet. He picked it up with a small curiosity.

"You know, someone can really get hurt by these." He muttered, slowly walking to one of the fences on either side.

They all stood still.

He continued. "Drunk driving, poor decisions, idiocy," A small pause, and a brief grin. "Murder." At the last word, he broke the bottom of the bottle off revealing jagged spikes. He smirked. "But I think this way will be so much more fun."

They all stood there with wide eyes, silent with fear.

Oh, how he loved their fear, the need to torture welled up in his mind. But something held him back. Something absurd. He tried to stop himself, but to no avail.

He stroked the bottle, looking at them darkly. "I suggest you go home, tell your parents that you love them, cry in your pillow, and stop being stupid before I catch you again in my alleyway." He grinned, pointing quickly to the sidewalk with the bottle.

They all walked hastily towards the opening and scattered back to their houses.

Nny chuckled, then stopped. He dropped his bottle, creating a single shatter.

"What have I done?" He whispered sharply.

He stood there for a while before adjusting his backpack on his shoulders and returning home.

Nny opened the door slowly, stepping in his house lightly. He clicked his door shut and sneaked into his room. He took off his boots and backpack, falling down on his bed. He instantly regretted jumping on his rusty, creaking mattress.

"So what did you do? Did you lacerate someone? Tore out their heart? Pull off fingernails?" Reverend Meat asked, sitting on his nightstand.

Nny looked up at his dusty ceiling.

"No." He said, feeling distant.


Nny didn't answer. He can feel his smile widen even more.

"You let them go, did you?" He whispered tauntingly.

"They were just kids." He faltered, realizing how he sounded. He snatched a pillow and pressed it against his face to drown out Meat's laughing.

Then it stopped. He took off the pillow to see Reverend Meat sitting on his chest. Nny sighed, throwing his pillow off to the side and dropping his head down on the bed.

"You best get some rest, Nny." He whispered.

Nny looked up to say something, but he was gone. He took the pillow and shoved it under his head, hoping to have a dreamless sleep.

Nightmares Consist of DreamsWhere stories live. Discover now