Inside Of the Mind

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Nny felt his eyes open. He saw Devi, hiding in a corner of a small bedroom. He looked around, seeing many paintings nailed on the walls. He knew this was her apartment. He reached for her, but she screamed, making him step back in surprise.

"Go away!" She screamed, hiding her face with her hands, her body pressed against the thin walls.

"Look at her...cowering..."

Nny instantly froze. That voice...

The Styrofoam doughboys formed onto the walls, looking like they were glued on them. Nny looked at them with a vengeance, but also with fear, shuddering in his eyes.

"You're dead. You can't control me anymore." He said.

"I'm afraid not," Whispered Mr. Eff. "We will always be a part of you."

Nny gulped. "I was never a part of you. You never cared." he said with a wavering voice, tears blurring his eyesight. He felt an old memory come back, but it quickly left as soon as it came.

"You're wrong. We love you, Nny. We would never stop caring." Psycho Doughboy taunted in a singsong voice.

Nny shook his head. "No," He whispered quietly. "I'm not."

"Kill." They both whispered.

He pressed his ears shut, closing his eyes and feeling tears fall.

"Kill." They urged in his mind.

Nny shook his head vigorously.

"KILL!" They screamed...

"Feel..." A small, almost silent voice said.

He screamed, and lost it, picking up a paint brush and stabbing the doughboys in the eyes...

But then he opened his...

He stabbed Devi...

He dropped the brush in horror, feeling his bloodied hands shake.

Devi's eyes were stabbed, making blood slide down her cheeks. Her face was slack, the tears of blood filling her mouth. He dropped down on his knees, picking up her body gently. Her limp body felt warm, her arms softly brushing the ground. It felt too real...

He screamed in agony, feeling his throat catch, making his voice crack. He dropped his forehead against hers, gritting his teeth and squeezing his eyes shut, tears sliding through. His body shook with emotions.

"Feel..." The voice whispered softly, making everything turn black.


His eyes shot open. He stayed laying on his back, his pillow wet with his tears from the dream. He wiped off the residue of tears off his cheeks, pressing the heels of his hands into his eyes. Nny breathed in deeply, letting it out shakily.

He can't do this anymore. He'll stay awake as long as he lives, whatever it takes.

He laid there in silence, hearing cars quietly roll by. He felt his eyes grow heavy, but he fought it. Out of his window, the gray light of dawn peeked over the horizon. He glanced at his clock. It was five in the morning.

He sighed a breath of relief; he had enough of darkness. He stayed on his back, staring out in the dim light. A few minutes passed and he could make out the very few objects in his room. He slowly got up, sitting on the edge of his bed, enjoying the silence in and out of his mind. He felt... Normal...

But the feeling quickly faded as he heard faint screams below the house. He growled. He forgot to kill his victims last night. He grabbed his boots and walked out of his room, feeling hungry for torture... And french toast...

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