No show

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"Noel it's not funny!" I screamed down the phone, I'm pretty sure the whole studio heard me.
"I'm sorry!" He shouted back. This stupid argument was all because he was meant to be on my show this evening but like always Mr Fielding plays by his own rules. I hung up the phone and stormed out the studio.
'Ring Ring' 'Ring Ring'
(Julian calling)
"I'm going to fucking kill him!"With that I hung up. I dragged myself back inside where my boss was waiting for me, looking like she was about to cut my head off.
"You better fucking explain yourself and why we don't have a show to shoot tonight!" She said through gritted teeth.
"Ummmm Mr Fielding is ill he can't make it... He's been sick everywhere. We have to postpone till next week." I lied with a fake smile glued to my face.
With that she walked away a huge sigh close behind her. Great this is great! Now i was going to loose my show no question about it. I slowly walked back to the set, feeling everyone's eyes watching me. On the set we had a bottle of vodka behind our little bar, i picked up the bottle downed half of the bottle and walked out.

The cabbed dropped me off outside of my shitty little flat. By this time the bottle was empty, time to find my emergency bottle of whisky and the back up vodka. As I entered my flat it was greeted by Julian
"How the fuck did you get in?" I screamed at him, half because I was scared to death the other because i wanted to b left alone.
"I own the spare key remember" he said calmly.  I just grunted pushing pass him, I carried on looking of my bottles of drink.
"You know I'm on last chance." I paused to take a sip of my new bottle of whisky, "last chance other wise bye bye show. Isn't that fucking great!" I whispered before making my way to the front room. just before I open the door to go sit down Julian grabbed my arm.
"Don't be mad okay?" witch the I opened the door and threw the fucking bottle at Noel Fielding.
"what are you doing here? cant turn up to record but your fine with just coming into my house?" I pushed him, making him stumble. Downing what was left of the whisky. All of a sudden I felt a rage take over my body and before I knew it I had threw the bottle again this time just missing Noel's head.
"Get out!" I screamed. With that Noel and Julian ran towards the door, before Noel could even explain why he didn't turn up today.

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