Banging head

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The next morning I woke with a banging head, oh god what have I done. Rolling from the sofa  I tried desperately to remember what I did last night. I checked my phone three missed calls from my boss. Shit. and five calls from Julian. What did I do... I  walked to the kitchen about to get a strong drink when the door went
"who is it?" I shouted not really wanting to move.  

"its Juls..." there was a pause, "and noel."  That was the last thing I wanted right now. Quickly I ran to my room threw on some clothes and rushed to answer the door. 

"what do you want?" I questioned. 

"just let me in," Julian begged, I looked at him before sighing and letting him. Noel looked at the floor before following Julian. I closed the door and headed straight to the kitchen. 

"Alice..." Julian said walking into the kitchen. I was up on the counter trying to get what i had left of another bottle of whiskey. 
"put it back now, I mean it!" Julian shouted grabbing the bottle from my hand. I grabbed the bottle back and stormed into living room.  Noel sat on the sofa looking at his hands. 
"Alice I'm sorry i didn't mean to miss the shoot I don't have a reason for it but I'm sorry." he said sadly. I took another sip of my drink and sat down. I just stared at him I was so pissed. 
"Sorry not going to get me my show back." I whispered. I carried on sipping my drink straight from the bottle. 
"Alice give me the bottle..." Julian pleaded with me. I was well known for a few things when I rose to fame five years ago. On I loved my job I talked and talked and talked it couldn't get better than that. Two I was a workaholic my job above anyone else didn't have much family so it never really never a problem. But three I always had a bottle in my hand or stashed away somewhere I relied on it to get me through the day.  

"Julian if you want a drink I'll just get you one." I giggled, choosing to competely ignore Noel. the two men sat in my front room  looking every on edge giving each other side looks, as if to say what the fuck? so no longer wanting to stand in my own house like i wasn't wanted I decided to find out was up. 

"What are you ding here then?" I looking down at the floor not really wanting any company. After what seemed like a life time of silence Julian started to talk. 

"look love..."

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