Chpt. 27

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2 weeks later..

Melody's P.O.V

It's been nearly two weeks past the baby's due date.. i was going insane.

"Duncan! Get your fucking ass over here!" I yelled out.
"What happened? Is it coming?" He asked.
"No. I just wanted to say a big fuck you for getting me pregnant. can't you just rip it out babe?" I whined.
"we can try to induce labor." He said.
"How?" I asked.
"Uh.. walking around, eat spicy food, yoga ball, pineapple and sex." He said quietly.

I sighed. "i'll try whatever." i said.


I walked downstairs and found a yoga ball. "duncan where did you find that?" I asked.

"Uh.. somewhere.. but you can try the yoga ball while eating pineapple." He said.
"Fine.." I said.

Duncan helped me ease on the yoga bal carefully, "trying to induce labor?" My dad asked.

"Yeah." I answered.
"The same thing is happening all over again." My dad said before sighing.

Duncan gave me a bowl of chopped pineapple, i began to eat it as i bounced on the ball carefully.

"This is weird." I said.
"It'll work." He said.


I sat on the couch, playing video games. "what about you trying walking around?" Duncan asked.

"Did that." I answered.
"Spicy food?" He suggested.
"I literally ate like fried chicken with chilli sauce.." I said.
"Boo!" He yelled out as i looked at him odd.
"What was that?" I asked.
"I tried to scare you.." He answered.
"This is a baby not fucking hiccups." I said.


Sorry if i made another short chapter! I really really really try to make the chapters longer...

Anyways as always! Until next chapter!! So long!!!

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